Winter weather: office closure, emergency shelters and city services
  • Most City offices are closed Thursday, Feb. 13, due to winter weather.
  • Shelters are open until at least noon Thursday. More information: Multco.us/Cold.
  • City information: road closures, transportation updates, preventing frozen plumbing, tree emergencies
Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.


Permitting & Development News Menu
Displaying 1 - 20 of 206

New and revised Building Official Determinations and Code Guides now available

Four documents describe rules and guidance for seismic benchmarking, helical piles and push piers, shared stormwater facilities, and breweries and distilleries.

News article

ProjectDox upgrade coming Feb. 24; brief outage expected

A new viewer will offer enhanced functionality and a better user experience. ProjectDox will be unavailable starting Friday, Feb. 21, at 5 p.m. to prepare for the upgrade.

News article

Learn more about best practices for inclusive design and emergency planning

Sign up for a free webinar on Thursday, March 6, sponsored by the ADA National Network and the U.S. Access Board.

News article

Natalie Didion named new City of Portland Building Official

She replaces Matt Rozzell, who is leaving on Friday, Feb. 7, to become the building codes administrator for Clackamas County.

News article

State building codes updated to allow attached, stacked two-family dwellings

Oregon Building Codes Division (BCD) adopted a rule allowing attached, stacked two-family dwellings, previously required to be detached. Learn more about requirements and how to apply for a permit.

News article

City of Portland processes Land Use Compatibility Statement for Zenith Energy

The State requires the LUCS in order to approve Zenith's Air Permit.

News article

Urban wildfire: How Portland is prepared, and what you can do

Wildfires are becoming more frequent west of the Cascade Mountains. Learn what the City of Portland is doing to prepare for the possibility of urban wildfires, and find out simple steps you can take to get ready and keep our city strong and resilient.

News article

City to host council work session and listening session on Zenith Energy

Work Session will be held in Council Chambers on January 21 at 9:30 a.m., with listening session to begin at noon.

News article

New Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Code (OEESC) replaces 2021 edition

The new code is effective Jan. 1 with a six-month phase-in period.

News article

Adoption of Interim Administrative Rule ENB 13.03 relating to Transient Lodging Facilities

The purpose of this administrative rule is to provide guidance on implementing Chapter 24.31 of the Portland City Code (PCC), which governs transient lodging facilities within the City of Portland.

Public notice

Additional efficiencies implemented in commercial permit review

On most commercial permits, responses to checksheets for all review groups must be completed in each correction cycle before further review will begin.

News article

Free remote consultations now offered for commercial building permit customers at first review

Portland Permitting & Development is pleased to offer commercial building permit customers the option of scheduling a meeting with a plan reviewer to discuss corrections identified on a checksheet.

News article

Code Alignment Project launches

City infrastructure bureaus are teaming up to align conflicting code sections and adjust improvement thresholds.

News article

Two Portland Bureaus Seeking Directors

Applications for the Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) and Portland Permitting & Development (PP&D) Director positions are being accepted until January 6, 2025.

Press release

Schedule more inspections and get results faster on DevHub

It's easier than ever to schedule an inspection and view results.

News article

Customers share candid assessments of permitting system

The third customer survey in four years highlights areas of satisfaction and needs for continued improvement.

News article

Deadline extended: Passionate about Portland's historic and architectural heritage? Join the Historic Landmarks Commission.

The City of Portland seeks an interested person to serve a four-year term on the Historic Landmarks Commission. Persons of color are encouraged to apply. Applications are due no later than Monday, Dec. 2.

Updated News article

No administrative appeals to be considered during weeks of Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's 2024-2025

This affects building, electrical, mechanical and plumbing code appeals.

Updated News article

Are you interested in guiding the City of Portland’s permitting processes? Join the Development Review Advisory Committee.

The City of Portland is seeking interested persons to serve in one of four positions, each for a three-year term, on the Development Review Advisory Committee. Persons of color are encouraged to apply. Applications are accepted through Friday, Jan. 10.

News article

Notice of Proposed Amendments to Accessory Short-Term Rental (ASTR) Enforcement Administrative Rule

The purpose of this rule is to establish a citation-based enforcement process for violations of Portland City Code (PCC) 33.207. This rule applies to any property owner engaged in offering or allowing Type A or Type B accessory short-term rentals as defined in PCC 33.207.

Updated Public notice

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