Presidents Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, to observe Presidents Day.

Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Share Your Feedback About Construction Projects

Neighborhood meeting- audience listening to speaker
Share your thoughts about new development projects. Learn about the best time to give your input about development projects in your neighborhood. Find out who to talk to about construction projects. Become part of the planning process with community feedback and action.
On this page

Learn about the best ways to share your thoughts about neighborhood development projects. You may also want to find out about development projects near you. And, learn about more ways to give us your feedback. 

We review permits using land use standards. For example, if the standard is a height limit of 35 feet, the project meets the standard if the building is 35 feet or less in height. If the building is over 35 feet, the standard is not met. 

Find out if someone applied for a permit 

You can use Portland Maps to search for an address or a neighborhood. You can also look at applications for the entire city.

Construction and development news 

Subscribe to the Portland Permitting & Development newsletter for information about news and events. You can also read Portland Permitting & Development news articles.

Zoning code changes news

Subscribe to Planning and Sustainability's newsletter. It includes upcoming changes (or proposed changes) to the zoning code.

Share your thoughts during the planning process

Your input on planning projects (also called the "legislative process”) can happen in many ways. You can:

  • go to workshops and other City events
  • respond to City surveys and requests for comments 
  • testify at hearings

Learn more about upcoming public meetings.

Share your thoughts at a neighborhood meeting

Sometimes applicants set up and host a Neighborhood Contact meeting. They must have the meeting before they apply for a land use review or building permit.

The meeting allows neighbors to learn more about a project.

Provide feedback in writing or at a public hearing 

Comments must focus on the Zoning Code approval criteria. We include these criteria in public notices. Provide feedback by doing one of the following:

  • Send in written comments (mail, email, or dropped off) before the deadline listed in the notice. Check the public notice for the email address and/or the mailing address to use for comments. 
  • Share comments at a public hearing. Public testimonies have time limits (usually three minutes). If you testify, we'll include you in all future mailings for the project. See how to get involved in city council meetings for more advice on how to make the most of your time.

 Guidelines for comments include:

  • Put your comments in writing. Verbal comments only become part of the record if provided at a public hearing.
  • Give us your comments by the deadline listed in the notice.
  • Identify the approval criteria for your comments. Then, explain why you think the proposal does or does not meet the criteria.
  • You can also suggest changes to the proposal. Explain how the changes meet the Zoning Code approval criteria.

Appeal land use review decisions 

If you plan to appeal a decision, please visit our page on land use appeals. The appeal process, fee, and hearing body vary depending on the procedure type of the land use review appeal.

Some review types (Type I and Ix) do not have a local appeal. You can appeal these review types to the Oregon Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA). For more information, please visit the LUBA website or call them at 503-373-1265.

Share feedback about development during conferences and public meetings

We offer several types of early assistance meetings.

Anyone can attend a pre-application conference 

 A pre-application conference provides applicants with information about project requirements, procedures, and regulations. We hold pre-application conferences for all Type III and IV land use reviews before we accept a land use review application.

Many City employees attend this conference. A Portland Permitting & Development planner will be there. Also, reviewers from other City bureaus like Environmental Services, Fire & RescueTransportation, and Water. We send notifications about pre-application conferences to the associated neighborhood association and district coalition. Anyone may attend and observe these meetings. 

Anyone can attend a public meeting to testify about a design advice request 

Design Advice Request gives applicants the option to request design advice from the Design Commission or Historic Landmarks Commission. This happens before they send us a Design Review or Historic Resource Review application. Anyone may attend these public meetings and give public testimony.

Request notes from an Early Assistance meeting 

One type of Early Assistance appointment allows applicants to meet with reviewers. They do this to:

  • get help preparing a complete proposal
  • learn more about the procedures and requirements of the City code
  • identify policies or regulations that create opportunities or problems for the proposal

You can request notes from the meeting by contacting General Inquiries. Members of the public cannot attend these meetings. 

Share concerns about trees on a construction site

Tree protection is often required during construction. Usually, the City can only require protection for trees on the construction site. The City of Portland can't require applicants to protect trees whose trunks are not at least partially on the construction site.

If you think construction may impact a tree near a property under construction, please call the planner to discuss your concerns. You can use Portland Maps to find the name and phone number of the planner to contact. You can also call the General Inquiries number.

If the tree is outside the construction site, the issue is a civil matter that must be resolved between yourself and your neighbor. The City’s Office of Community & Civic Life has resources for helping neighbors resolve conflicts through its neighborhood mediation program.

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