Renew a Liquor License

Renew your annual liquor license with both Oregon Liquor & Cannabis Commission (OLCC) and the City of Portland. This is *not* a server permit.

The renewal process will take 10 - 15 minutes to complete

Please follow all the directions below carefully - all applications should be submitted through the online system - Civic Portal.

The Application Process:

  • Each year, the OLCC will send a letter to liquor license holders with renewal information. You must renew your annual liquor license with both the OLCC and the City of Portland.
  • This website and renewal application are *only* for the City of Portland. You must pay the OLCC directly.
  • You must read all the instructions below and then submit a simple application through the online system.
  • Once you submit a complete application and payment, your renewal with the City of Portland is complete!
  • Want a quick tutorial? Check out this How to Create an account and Renew your License Tutorial

Step One: Gather Information

1. Make sure you are renewing at the correct time: 

  • April 1 - June 30 Renewal Period if business address is South of Burnside St
  • October 1 - December 31 Renewal Period if business address is North of Burnside St

2. Make sure you have to renew your annual liquor license with the City of Portland.

  • Business address must be in the City of Portland boundaries.
  • This is a renewal for an annual liquor license, not a server permit. 

3. Collect business information - business address, primary contact, and any information that has changed in the last year

Step Two. Submit Application 

1. Create an account at Civic Portal 

2. If this is your first log in - you must email with your user name, tradename and business address. Staff must connect your user name to your existing business before you will be able to see your account in the portal.

3. Under Home, Choose "My Records", then click on the blue Renewal link on the appropriate listed license. 

4. Fill out the required fields related to your application information, personal and business information. 

5. Update any contact or business information that has changed in the last year.

6. Pay your processing fee - $35 per license renewed. You may add multiple license renewals to your "cart".

6. Submit and watch your application get processed in real time!

7. Once your application with the City of Portland is complete, then finish the process by submitting your renewal application separately, directly with the OLCC. 

Please note that if you mail in a renewal application with a check, the check will be cashed as an ACH and the check shredded. We strongly discourage mailed payments. 

If you need an accommodation because of a disability or because you do not have access to online systems, please send an email to requesting the appropriate forms.


Liquor Licensing

Development Services

Mailing address

Liquor Licensing Program
1900 SW Fourth Avenue, Suite 5000
Portland, OR 97201