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Hearing Registration Link
1. (1:30-1:40)
2. (1:40-2:00)
BRIEFING – Interstate Bridge Replacement Project Programmatic Agreement - CONTINUED FROM 1/27/25
CITY CONTACT: Brandon Spencer-Hartle, BPS,
3. (2:00-2:45)
Quasi-Judicial and Ethics Refresher
4. (2:55-4:55)
LU 24-088091 HRM - 118 SW Porter St
APPLICANT: Ian Roll | Gensler
SITE: 118 SW Porter St
CITY CONTACT: Tanya Paglia, PP&D, 503-865-6518
Type III Historic Resource Review hearing for a proposal to for a proposal to make exterior alterations to a non-contributing building in the South Portland Historic District. The existing building is located on a site at the intersection of SW 1st Ave and SW Porter St. The applicant, Ukandu, a non-profit serving families impacted by childhood and adolescent cancer, proposes to renovate an existing masonry building and build a two-story addition. The expanded building, to be named Ukandu Loft, will feature radically inclusive activity spaces for children, teens, and families; community spaces; therapy and counseling offices; outdoor community spaces; parking; and operational offices. The primary pedestrian entrance will be located on SW 1st Ave with garage and secondary access on SW Porter St.
The site is comprised of two adjacent properties. The project preserves the masonry building at the corner with a proposed addition to the west. The existing 9,000 SF building is located at 3015 SW 1st Ave on an L-shaped, 8,300 SF parcel. The site for the proposed renovation and expansion includes this L-shaped parcel as well as the adjacent 2.300 SF parcel at 118 SW Porter Street. Together the quarter block development is 10,600 SF with frontages to the north on SW Porter St and the east on SW 1st Ave. The site is immediately adjacent to the Cedarwood Waldorf School to the west and Gearhead Associates to the South. Both neighboring brick buildings are contributing historic resources in the South Portland Historic District.
Modification requests [PZC 33.846.070]:
1. Setbacks (33.130.215.B.2.b). Reduce the required side setback along the eastern property line from 10¿ to approximately 0¿ (the required minimum setback from a lot line that abuts an RM1 zone is 10¿).
2. Ground floor windows (33.130.230.B.3). Reduce the ground floor window requirement on the SW Porter St façade from 25% of the ground level wall area to 20%.
3. Minimum Landscaped Area (33.130.225) Reduce the minimum landscaped area for the site from 15% to approximately 10.6%.
Historic resource review is required because the proposal is for non-exempt exterior alterations on a resource in the South Portland Historic District.
5. (5:00-6:00)
Please Keep in mind
- The agenda is subject to change.
- Agenda items may be rescheduled.
- Times are estimates only and agenda item times may change.
- Projects are reviewed in the order listed with a 10 minute break between agenda items.
- All continuances and reschedules are requested by the applicant, unless otherwise noted.
Portland Permitting & Development is committed to providing equal access to information and hearings. To request an accommodation or alternative format of communication, please contact us no later than five business days prior to the hearing at 503-823-7300 (TTY 503-823-6868). Note that Zoom automated captions are used for hearings and may not be as accurate as live captioning; A closed-caption transcript of the meeting may be requested by contacting the PP&D Hearings Clerk at: