Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Apply for a UC Permit for Lateral Connections to the Public Sewer System

Apply for and receive your UC Permit by email. Environmental Services issues UC Permits that are required for private lateral connections to public sewer laterals or mains. See the Guide to UR and UC Permits for more details.

Step 1:  Apply by email.

Download and complete the application form. Required information fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

At a minimum, application must include:

When emailing your application as an attached document to, include the property address(es) in the email subject line. If you are sending several applications in the same email, it is helpful to include each property address in the file name as well.

Applications are typically processed within 1-2 business days. Some connection requests require review by City maintenance engineering staff. Incomplete applications or applications without the required information will not be processed.

You will be contacted via email or phone if there are any questions regarding your application.

Step 2: Pay fees.

If there are no questions or issues with your application, you will receive an email from with permit fee payment information and a link to pay permit fees via Development Hub PDX (DevHub). Current fee amounts are available in the Guide to UR and UC Permits.

Step 3: Reply to the email thread that permit fees have been paid.

Please be sure to respond to the email you received from to make sure we can quickly associate your payment with your application.

Step 4: Wait to receive your copy of the issued UC permit prior to beginning work.

UC permits will be issued following your reply to the email thread that fees have been paid. You will receive a reply to the email thread from with a copy of the issued permit.

Private property sewer work is permitted separately by Development Services with plumbing permits.

Step 5: Inspections

Contact information to request an inspection will be on the issued permits. UC Permits are inspected by PBOT right-of-way inspectors.


Have questions or need help with your UC Permit application?  Find more information in the Guide to UR and UC Permits or contact Environmental Services UR or UC Permit staff at or 503-823-1026.

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