City Manuals and Standards
City of Portland construction standards (documents and forms, details and drawings, specifications, etc.)
City of Portland survey benchmarks
Erosion and Sediment Control Manual
Sewer and Stormwater
Environmental Services Construction Products List
Sewer and Drainage Facilities Design Manual (Environmental Services)
Source Control Manual (Environmental Services)
Stormwater Management Manual (Environmental Services)
- Presumptive Approach Calculator (Stormwater Management Manual)
Design Guide for Public Street Improvements (Admin Rule TRN1.10)
TRN-1.30 - Thresholds for Frontage Improvement and Dedication Requirements
Portland Pedestrian Design Guide
Transportation – Signals and Street Lighting
Transportation – Streetcar
Portland Streetcar Track Access Permit (online permit application and information)
Urban Forestry
Approved Street Tree Planting Lists