Checksheet: Prepare and submit corrections electronically

Learn how to prepare corrections and respond to a checksheet that has been issued by a city plan reviewer using the Single PDF process on DevHub.
On this page

Learn how to submit Single Project PDF corrections through the DevHub Upload Corrections portal.

For ePlans submittals through Project Dox, visit our ePlans information page.

Note: If minimal submittal requirements are not met, corrections will be rejected.

If you have any questions about the information on this page, please schedule a free 15-minute appointment so that we can help you with the permitting process! 

Watch this video on how to prepare corrections and avoid rejections! Available in English and en Español. 

Watch in English
Ver en Español

Checksheet Response vs. Permit Revision

The process on this page describes corrections in response to a Checksheet. This process is for a permit under review and has not yet been issued. 

Revisions are for permits that have been approved and issued.

Step 1. Make Sure All the Reviews are Complete

Each permit is reviewed by different groups such as Planning and Zoning and Life Safety.

All review groups must complete their review before you, the applicant, can submit corrections. 

  • Sign into DevHub and click Upload Corrections in the left-hand menu.
  • Search for your project using the IVR # or Permit Application Number. Select the correct project.
  • Your reviews will be in four categories:
    • Approved: Review groups that have approved that section of the permit.
    • Checksheet: A Checksheet has been created by the review group of items that need to be corrected.
    • Open: Reviews still need to be completed by the designated review group.
    • Not Required: A review from this designated review group is not required. 
    • If corrections are needed, the status will be in Checksheet or Open. If there are no corrections needed, the review will move to approved or not required status in DevHub. The review cycle will continue until all reviews are Approved or Not Required.
  • Look for reviews in Checksheet status.
    • Click the Checksheet hyperlinks to open and review.
    • Make changes and corrections on plan sets. 
    • If you have a Checksheet, we will notify you. You are responsible for checking DevHub for updates on your project. 

Please wait for all reviews to be completed before responding to a Checksheet. It is helpful to respond to all Checksheets at the same time.  

*Still having trouble seeing a Checksheet or document after speaking with staff? Try clicking "Upload Corrections" from the left-hand menu and searching for your project’s IVR number again. Refreshing the page will not work; you will have to start a new search. 

Step 2. Make Requested Changes

Update plans and other materials and add or remove pages.

Items most often missed by applicants are noted as *Common Rejection Item.

Update an Existing Drawing:

  • Include the permit number on the first page of the plan set.
  • Add a cloud or bubble (Example 1) around any area on a plan that is new or modified. *Common Rejection Item 
  • Only cloud or bubble current changes. Remove clouds or bubbles from previously updated versions of plans. 
red cloud or bubble around changes on a construction drawing under review
Example 1

Adding a new page

When adding a new page that did not previously exist, add a cloud or bubble around the new page number, only. Do not bubble or cloud the entire page.  

Removing a page 

To show that a page number is being permanently removed add a “REMOVED” stamp and submit the page with the rest of the drawings.  For example, in a plan set with eleven pages, if page eleven is no longer needed place a “REMOVED” stamp on page eleven and include it with the updated drawings.  This is different than updating a page (with clouds/bubbles around the changes) which lets the reviewer know you are revising and not removing a page in the plan set. 

Add a Date Stamp 

Add a date stamp that reads "SUBMITTED" with the date to the bottom right hand corner of each sheet. *Common Rejection Item 

  • The “SUBMITTED” date stamp is the date you are submitting all response documents.  It should be the same on each page. 
  • Use font size 14 or larger. 
example of date stamp for corrections submitted all caps in red with date
  • Place the date stamp on all pages being submitted.

Updating Calculations and Packages 

For example: structural, geotechnical, wall bracing, truss packages, mechanical and product information.

Name all calculation packets as either Supplemental or Replacement.

  • Supplemental calculation packets provide relevant information in addition to the original calculation packet.  If calculations are supplemental, name the document “Supplemental.” We recommend adding a “SUPPLEMENTAL” stamp to the first page. 
  • Replacement calculation packets will swap out the original calculation packet.  If calculations are replacing a previous submittal, name the document “Replacement”.  We recommend adding a red “REPLACEMENT” stamp to the first page.  

For Reference Only

Label any materials requested by the reviewer but are not to be used for construction in “FOR REFERENCE ONLY”. For example, a reference document may include information about an adjacent building or lot or historical property information. 

Step 3. Assemble Checksheet response Documents 

Incorrect or incomplete corrections will be rejected and will delay your project.  A complete Checksheet response includes uploading the following documents: 

  • The reviewer issued checksheet.  
  • The checksheet response form. * Common rejection item
    • Ensure every item on the checksheet has a response and includes the location on plans (Example 2).
  • Updated plan pages.
  • Supplemental or Replacement Calculations (as needed).
  • Reference Materials (as needed).
  • Correct Formatting:
    • Upload pages that have changed, only. *Common rejection item 
    • PDF files should not be locked or contain electronic signatures. * Common rejection item 
    • No Cover sheets.
    • All files must be in PDF format.
    • Drawings should be the same size as those submitted with original application. 
    • Plans should be in black and white except for “submitted” stamps and clouds/bubbles. 
    • Ensure a “submitted” date stamp is on every page. *Common rejection item 
example of a checksheet response showing numbered responses with description and page numbers
Example 2

Step 4. Complete the Upload Corrections Process through DevHub

Help Guide: Uploading Corrections in DevHub 

File Naming Standards and Preparing PDFs for Single PDF Process

  • When the review group is ready, they will send an email to the email address on file and saying that they are ready to receive uploads of your corrections. Return to DevHub, click "Upload Corrections" in the menu, search for your project, and click the Upload Corrections button. Click Add Documents. Search your computer for the corrected files and upload multiple files at a time. Add a description for each file (required).
  • If you upload the wrong file, it is easy to fix. Click the red "X" next to the description field to remove the file. Then, upload the correct file.
  • Each Checksheet response form should be its own PDF. 
  • Updated drawings should be in a single PDF and follow the file naming standards.
  • Check the box under Acknowledgements. By checking this box, you acknowledge you are the authorized person to upload and submit these corrections. Click Submit.
    • Note that once you submit corrections, you will not be able to submit any materials until the submitted corrections have been reviewed by the respective review groups. The Upload Corrections status in DevHub will display ‘Awaiting the review of last uploaded corrections. There are no actions needed at this time’.
  • Permitting Services will review corrected plans and documents. If corrections are accepted, Reviewers will be notified that corrections have been received. 
  • Reviewers will issue additional checksheets if clarifications or corrections are needed. If there are no corrections needed, the Reviewer will approve their review. The review group will then display in Approved status in DevHub.
  • When all reviews have been approved, the permit will be processed for pre-issuance. You may view the Pre-issuance list here.

checksheet file naming standards examples
Examples of files ready for upload corrections. File naming standard examples.
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