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Before you begin
Prepare your application: Get application requirements and follow the steps on how to get a permit.
Note: Incomplete applications will be rejected. Please make sure you complete all application requirements for your project.
Submit a complete permit application packet
Apply online
Once you have all the application submittal requirements for your project, you are ready to apply for a permit.
Review our step-by-step guide, Submit Plans Online.
More instructional guides are available on how to use online permitting tools.
NOTE: Some permit types must be submitted by email. Review the list of permit types and find out where to apply for each permit type.
Apply in-person
Or come to the Development Services Center to apply
Do you have limited internet access? Do you need help setting up a permit application?
You may qualify for a 30-minute appointment to submit your application materials and meet with each required review group.
This in-person meeting is at the Development Services Center, 1900 SW Fourth Avenue.