Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

How to write an appeal and fill out an application for an appeal

Get required forms and instructions for filing an online appeal and building code appeal and forms for electrical, mechanical and plumbing code appeals. Find what you need to file a building permit appeal, including fees and how to pay them, and how to search appeals decisions and appeals records.
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The Building Code Appeal process is a relatively quick way to receive a formal response to requests for:

  • An alternative way to meet the intent of a code provision (building, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, or floating structures code) when compliance with the letter of the code isn’t feasible.
  • Confirmation of an interpretation of code language from the Building Official.

If you are thinking of appealing, you should consult with plan reviewers or inspectors before submitting an appeal for assistance identifying code requirements and possible alternative solutions that could be approved. 

Please note other types of appeals have their own processes:

Find recent appeals online 

Review recent appeals and search for appeals online.

Prepare your appeal

Appellants must have an alternative method of meeting the intent of the code. The appeal must demonstrate how the proposed alternative provides equivalent protection as the code requires for health, accessibility, structural capacity, energy conservation, life safety, or fire protection.

The Administrative Appeals Board only hears appeals about Building, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Floating Structures Codes and relevant Portland City Code Titles. Appeals for each specific Code are processed separately, so a single appeal package may not contain items from different Codes. However, if multiple appeals are submitted together, only the first is charged the full fee, with the others charged as Additional Items at a reduced fee.

Building code appeal application instructions  

The following sections of the building code appeal application provide the primary information from which the Appeal Board will make a decision. Information provided in these sections must be clear, concise, accurate, and completely written. Each appeal submittal must be a comprehensive set of documents and stand on its own merit (without referring to plans or material submitted separately for building permits) and will be reviewed based on the specific conditions related to the project under consideration.

  1. Code Section and Requirements: This section asks first for the specific code section being appealed and the text of that code section. It is important to accurately specify the code section being appealed and what it requires.
  2. Code modification or alternate being requested: Summarize the intent of the appeal preferably in one sentence.  You may use the decision language of past appeals as a guide where a decision has been rendered (not Pending).  See the most recent 1,000 appeals on the PP&D Appeals Search page by clicking on the Search tab with all fields left blank.  Appeals similar to yours may be located by entering specific code language from the code section being appealed in the Appeal Decision Keywords field and clicking on Search. Results may be further refined by selecting the specific Appeal Type (Building, Mechanical, etc.).
  3. Proposed design: This section asks you to describe the actual alternate method and/or materials of construction that are proposed for use. The actual conditions you are asking to have approved must be described. This is not the section where equivalency or rationale for the use of the proposed design should occur.  Provide a reference to specific materials, plans, details or sections in the text.  Also, provide a cross reference on the provided plans showing the location of the appeal(s) and specific details that apply to the appeal(s).
  4. Reason for alternate: This is the section where you should describe how or why the proposed design provides an equivalent level of fire or life safety to what the code requires and the reason you are requesting the alternate.  Do not repeat the language of the Proposed Design.

Plans to include with your appeal application 

One set of plans that addresses your appeal separate from any plans submitted for permit processing) must accompany appeal applications. The Board is not able to search for plans submitted as part of a separate permit.  Plans should provide sufficient information to detail the areas that are being appealed as well as any areas that may be affected by or that may affect the appeal.  Do not include plans that do not directly relate to the code section being appealed.  Non-appeal-related plans may cause appeal-specific information to be overlooked.

All attachments should be non-password protected and submitted as pdf files. Note that very large files may not be accepted by the system.

Examples of plans frequently left out of the submittal that are likely to result in a request for additional information include a Site Plan and Floor Plans of the area(s) being appealed. Also, where exiting is involved complete Egress Plans are required.

Helpful information to include with your appeal 

Supplemental information, such as photographs, engineering analysis, test data, etc, that will help to clarify the appeal and make it easier for the board to understand the conditions being appealed or which supports the argument for equivalent safety are welcome accompaniments to the appeal submittal.  However, photographs are to be used as a supplement only.  They do not take the place of plans, specifications, etc.

Note: Plans submitted with information not directly about the item(s) being appealed are not deemed to be granted by the appeal simply because they were part of the granted appeal.  For example, an appeal decision granting a decrease in minimum ceiling height does not also grant a separate non-compliant stair handrail simply because it was shown in the plans submitted for the headroom appeal.

File your appeal online

File your appeal through our online appeal form:

You will need to fill out the information online and upload your plans and other relevant information.

If you do not have access to file online, please contact the Appeal Board Administrative Specialist, Tawnya Harris, at 503-823-6251.

Cost to file an appeal 

Appeals fees are based on whether the scope of work is being done under a commercial building permit or residential building permit and how many items are being appealed. If you’re not sure whether the scope of work will be a commercial or residential building permit, see PP&D Guide “Do you need a permit?” or schedule a 15-minute appointment with a building code expert. 

Please consult the "File an appeal" page for the current appeal fees that must be submitted with your application. In addition:

  • Separate appeals with associated fees must be submitted for each individual building. Contact the Appeal Board Administrative Specialist at (503) 823-6251 where there are multiple buildings with identical appeal items.
  • Subsequent appeal packages are charged at the full rate when submitted at a later time.
  • Appeal fee statements with payment instructions will be emailed 1 - 2 days after submission.

How to pay appeal fees 

Appeal fees must be paid by the time the appeal is heard by the Board. Results will not be posted until payment is received.

  • Online: After you submit an appeal, we will email a payment slip with a link to the online payment system. This system can accept both checks and credit cards. This is the preferred method of payment and will help avoid delays. 
  • Mail: Checks should be made payable to “Treasurer, City of Portland” and have the project address written on them. Note, paying by check may cause a delay in processing your application. 

Get appeal results and records

Appeal decisions (Administrative and Board of Appeals) are typically posted the day following the appeal hearing on the PP&D Appeals database and are also available by calling the Appeal Board Administrative Specialist, Tawnya Harris, at (503) 823-6521.

Search appeal records

More information

To preview the information requested on the form we have provided copies:

Helpful Links:

Oregon Residential Specialty Code 

Residential Code Guides 

Commercial Code Guides 

Oregon Plumbing Code 


Tawnya Harris

Building, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing Code Appeals

Mailing address

Development Services ATTN: Appeals
1900 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 5000 (5th floor)
Portland, OR 97201
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