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Life Safety Preliminary Meetings

Request a Life Safety preliminary meeting. If your property has complex building code or fire code issues, you may need a Life Safety preliminary meeting. Learn more about building code review meetings.
On this Page

This page provides basic information for when and how to submit for a Life Safety Preliminary Meeting to discuss Building Code issues and questions related to the Oregon Structural Specialty Code (OSSC) and the Oregon Fire Code (OFC). Although less frequently requested or required, code issues related to the Oregon Mechanical Specialty Code (OMSC) and the Oregon Residential Specialty Code (ORSC) may also be addressed at these meetings.   

How Life Safety can help

Life Safety reviewers can answer building code questions related to commercial and residential projects through a preliminary meeting. Issues that can be addressed by reviewers include:  

  • the occupancy of buildings  
  • fire resistant construction  
  • exiting and egress for occupants  
  • accessibility requirements  
  • structural requirements 
  • when an architect is required 

When to request a Life Safety Preliminary Meeting 

The Life Safety Preliminary Meeting is an option when more information is required than a phone call or a 15-minute appointment can provide. 

For projects with complex building code or fire code issues that require additional assistance, you can request a preliminary meeting with a Life Safety Plan Reviewer. A Fire  Reviewer, a Structural Reviewer or a Mechanical Reviewer can attend the meeting at the request of the applicant for an additional fee. These meetings may be requested at any point during the project. Please contact the General Inquiries phone number for questions or to set up a meeting. 

Examples of when a preliminary meeting can be requested include but are not limited to:

  • When property line adjustments impact code compliance of existing buildings. 
  • Prior to submitting for Design Review to verify that the proposed design will not conflict with Building Code requirements. 
  • During conceptual design when occupancy changes, additions or construction valuation can impact seismic upgrade requirements 
  • When accessibility improvements are required based on alterations or additions. 
  • When a building or site has a building code compliance case that must be addressed. 
  • During design development to assess egress components, fire rating requirements or sprinkler requirements for code compliance. 
  • During permitting when additional questions arise that cannot be addressed through the standard checksheet response

Preliminary Meetings are for projects that will be reviewed by the Life Safety review group. If the owner or building is on the FPP Client and Building List, please connect with the Facilities Permit Program (FPP) to determine if the building can be reviewed by FPP. For questions about the eligibility of the project, contact the FPP team. We also offer Early Assistance for both simple and complex projects. Learn more about Early Assistance meetings

Complete the Building Code Review meeting packet and request a meeting 

Please send us the completed preliminary meeting request packet including:  

  • a description of your project 
  • copies of your building plans 
  • a code summary 
  • a list of the questions you want to discuss 

Please note, emailed files can't exceed 25 MB.  An invoice will be emailed to the listed applicant upon receipt of the preliminary meeting request packet. This email provides instructions for paying the invoice. Once a copy of the paid invoice has been returned, the preliminary meeting will be assigned to a Life Safety reviewer. The Life Safety reviewer or a Process Manager will contact the applicant to schedule a meeting. Please contact the General Inquiries phone number for questions about your meeting request. 

The Life Safety reviewer and other requested reviewers will provide additional, limited research for the meeting to address the questions provided as part of the packet. The meeting will be conducted remotely through teleconference or videoconference.   

Mechanical code questions  

For complex mechanical code questions, a mechanical plans examiner can attend the meeting for the same fee as a structural engineer. Before sending us the preliminary meeting request packet, please contact us with your mechanical code questions. 

Building Code Review preliminary meeting fees 

Before we can schedule your preliminary meeting, we need your completed meeting request packet and payment. The Life Safety Preliminary Meeting Request Packet lists current meeting fees. 

We'll send you an invoice to make payment after we get the completed packet. The invoice explains how to pay for the meeting online or by phone. 

When to request a Life Safety Preliminary Meeting with a Process Manager 

  • For very large projects or complex projects that involve many City bureaus, we may have you work with a Process Manager. The Process Manager acts as the project coordinator throughout design, permit and construction. 
  • A Life Safety Plans Examiner and a representative from the Fire Marshal’s Office also go to the Process Manager meetings. These meetings usually happen early in the design process. If you think that your project needs this assistance, please contact a Process Manager

If you have questions about the submittal process, please contact Kathy Aulwes

More ways to get early assistance with your project

Learn more about other early assistance options and set up an early assistance meeting for a deeper discussion about your project.

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