An electrical permit is required for these home repair projects
- Add an outlet
- Air conditioner (you also need a mechanical permit for this project)
- Replace a service panel
Read more about residential electrical permits, how to apply and what you need for a completed application. You can also find commercial electrical permits application requirements.
A mechanical permit is required for these home repair projects
- Air conditioner (you also need an electrical permit for this project)
- Replace a furnace
- Decommission oil tank permit requirements
- Residential properties - call the Fire Marshal at (503) 823-3934.
- Commercial properties - call the Fire Marshal at (503) 823-3712. You can also contact the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) or call at (800) 452-4011.
Read more about residential mechanical permits, how to apply and what you need for a completed application. You can also find commercial mechanical permits application requirements.
A plumbing permit is required for these home remodeling projects
- Add a bathroom to a house. You'll also need a building permit and an electrical permit for this project.
- Replace plumbing fixtures in the same location
- Replace water lines
If you plan to decommission a septic tank or cesspool, you'll need a septic evaluation permit. This is also included with a building permit. Installing a water meter is included in the building permit. Call (503) 823-1526 when marked and ready for installation.
Read more about projects that need residential plumbing permits, how to apply, and what you need for a completed application.
You can also find commercial plumbing permit application requirements.
Start a new trade permit application for your home repair or home remodeling project
Here are the building, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing permit applications: