Quick Guide: Apply for a standard trade permit online

This guide outlines steps to apply for standard trade permits that do not require plans on Development Hub PDX (DevHub), the online permitting system for the City of Portland. Learn how to apply and pay for standard electrical permits, mechanical permits, and plumbing permits.

Check permit requirements for your project

Determine if your electrical, mechanical, or plumbing project requires a permit, plan review, or other requirements. Visit Submit and pay for an application by permit type.

Contractor licenses (CCB, BCD, etc.)

If you are a contractor, please list your related active licenses on your DevHub account. After signing in, select My Profile and review the information to ensure all relevant active licenses (such as BCD and CCB) are listed on your DevHub account. Available Trade permit fixture options may vary based on active licenses listed on your DevHub account as well as the trade type selected for the permit application.

Begin your permit application on DevHub

To access any online permitting services on DevHub, you must first create a user account from the PortlandOregon.Gov Sign-In page. Next, use your PortlandOregon.Gov credentials to sign in to DevHub. For more help creating an account, signing in, and support for a forgotten username or password, please review the DevHub Sign In Quick Step Guide.

The DevHub home page has a list of options along the left side of the screen. Apply for a New Permit is highlighted here by an orange box. When selected, the page includes a series of tiles for different types of permits. In this screen, the tile for Trade Permits is highlighted by an orange box. .
The DevHub home page has a list of options along the left side of the screen. Apply for a New Permit is highlighted here by an orange box. When selected, the page includes a series of tiles for different types of permits. In this screen, the tile for Trade Permits is highlighted by an orange box.
  1. Go to DevHub.
  2. Once you have signed in, use the DevHub PDX menu to select the Apply for a New Permit option.
  3. Choose the permit type Trade Permits
  4. On the screens that follow, select the appropriate Category of Construction then select the Type of Work.
  5. Enter the property address of the project location by selecting Search by AddressSearch by Property ID, or using the Address text field to select from the automatic search results displayed as text is added. Keep in mind:
    1. Search results will show a maximum of 50 property addresses.
    2. If you cannot find the property, try finding the address and property ID on PortlandMaps.
    3. If the property address still does not appear, enter "Not Listed" into the Address text field. You will be able to add work location details before completing your DevHub submission.
The Select a Property screen without search results. Search by Address and Search by Property ID buttons at the top of the screen are highlighted with an orange box.
The Select a Property screen before a search is made. Search by Address and Search by Property ID buttons at the top of the screen are highlighted with an orange box.

Form options, saving progress, and exiting a DevHub session

Once you begin the permit application in DevHub, you can save your work, exit the submission, proceed to the next page, return to a previous page, or cancel the application. 

If you need additional time to review minimum submittal requirements or gather additional documents, make sure to use the Save My Work button before exiting. The DevHub system will time out after several minutes of inactivity. Any unsaved progress cannot be retrieved.

If you need to sign out of DevHub, select your account name (top right of the page) then select Sign Out.

Complete DevHub submission requirements

The permit application request form allows you to provide important information to successfully complete all permit application requirements.

Be prepared to provide complete information for the work description, work location, party doing the work, and quantities for each permit fixture needed to complete the project work. Based on your responses, follow-up questions might automatically appear. This ensures you only respond to the questions that will help you meet permit-specific requirements.

Reviewing submission details and acknowledgments

  1. Review the summary of details you provided to ensure they are both correct and complete. 
  2. Read the acknowledgement statement then select the checkbox to indicate your acknowledgement, acceptance, and certification
  3. Select Continue to Payment. Note: If you prefer to pay for the permit at a later time, make sure to select Save My Work then Exit.

Pay fees

  1. Read the View and Pay Fees screen which details potential additional requirements as well as how to complete payment steps.
  2. Select the checkbox for bills you wish to pay now then select Pay Selected Bills
The View and Pay Fees screen displays Application Details and lists all fees due for a permit. The select check box on the left side of the list and the Pay Selected Bills button in the bottom right corner are highlighted by orange boxes.
The View and Pay Fees screen displays Application Details and lists all fees due for a permit. The select check box on the left side of the list and the Pay Selected Bills button in the bottom right corner are highlighted by orange boxes.
  1. Pick a Payment Type: Electronic Check or Credit Card (MasterCard, VISA, Discover, American Express).
  2. Complete the payment information fields as indicated then review your responses to ensure they are complete and correct before choosing Submit Payment.
  3. You will be automatically emailed a payment receipt to the email address you indicated on the payment form and given the option to also print a receipt copy on the payment confirmation screen.

Schedule inspections online for your DevHub permit

Trade permits purchased through Development Hub PDX can also be scheduled through Development Hub PDX. For more details on how to use DevHub to schedule Trade permit inspections, please review How to Schedule Inspections in Development Hub PDX (DevHub)

For additional DevHub support, please call the DevHub helpline (Monday through Friday, 8am-4pm) at 503-823-7300.