View & Select Fees to Pay in Development Hub PDX (DevHub)
A Development Hub PDX (DevHub) user account with PortlandOregon.Gov credentials is required to access DevHub's online permitting services. Need help creating an account or signing in? Please review the Quick Guide: Create Account & Sign In to Development Hub PDX (DevHub).
To pay fees or bills in Development Hub PDX (DevHub), start by accessing the fees you wish to pay then follow the payment process.
Start Here to Access Unpaid Bills On Your DevHub Account
- After signing in, select My Bills from the DevHub PDX left menu. The My Bills page will display the unpaid total bill amounts for permits initiated through your DevHub account.
- Select the checkbox associated with each bill you wish to view now then select View or Pay Selected Fees. The Fees Due page will display itemized fees due for the selected bills.
- Select the checkbox associated with each bill you wish to pay now then select Pay Selected Fees.
Start Here to Access Fees For A Specific Permit IVR, Permit Number, Application Number
- After signing in, select View or Pay Fees from the DevHub PDX left menu. The View or Pay Fees page will allow you to search for unpaid bills linked to a Permit IVR, Permit Number, or Application Number. For best results, do a Search by IVR Number when possible.
- Find the correct permit from the search results and then click Select.
- If the selected item has not been paid yet, you will be able to select the checkbox next to the Fees Due that you will pay now then select Pay Selected Bills.
- If the selected item has been paid already, you can review the Fees Summary (Billed / Paid) area and select the Download Report button for a PDF billing summary.
Pay Selected Fees
After selecting the fees you will pay now, you will be taken to a payments screen to complete payment processing.
- Pick a Payment Type: Electronic Check or Credit Card (MasterCard, VISA, Discover, American Express).
- Complete the payment information fields as indicated then select the Submit Payment button.
- You will be automatically emailed a payment receipt to the email address you indicated on the payment form and given the option to also print a receipt copy on the payment confirmation screen.
For additional DevHub support, please call the DevHub help line (Monday through Friday, 8am-4pm) at 503-823-7300.