Get help with conflict resolution and a path to elevate your concern

Report a problem to Portland Permitting & Development during the development process. Get help with conflict resolution and a path to elevate your concern with the City of Portland. If you need to elevate a problem, start here.

There are many different regulations, requirements, policies or processes that apply to a development project. In some cases, they may conflict with each other.  

When this occurs, our staff are trained to work with their co-reviewers to seek a timely conflict resolution and to prevent any undue delay to your project.

Report a problem with a permit 

If you have questions about a specific permit, contact your assigned reviewer. Use Portland Maps to find the contact information of your assigned reviewers.

If you are unable to resolve your concern with the reviewer assigned to your permit, please fill out our Customer Success request form. Our customer success team will research ways to assist you. 

Report a problem with the Customer Success request form

What happens next

Once your concern is received by the Customer Success Team, you may be contacted for further information to help elevate your complaint to the appropriate bureau managers.

Concerns are generally elevated through the chain-of-command as follows:

  • First to the Section Manager (as soon as possible). 
  • If the Section Manager cannot resolve the issue or conflict, they will elevate the issue to the Division Manager.
  • If the Division Manager is unable to resolve the issue or conflict, the Bureau Director is consulted.
  • If the Bureau Director cannot resolve the conflict, the situation can be further elevated to involve the Commissioners-in-Charge of the relevant bureaus. 

As always, we appreciate your business! Thank you for your continued partnership.

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