Winter weather: office closure, emergency shelters and city services
  • City offices, community centers, arts centers, and city recreation facilities are closed Thursday, Feb. 13, due to winter weather.
  • Shelters are open until at least noon Friday. More information: Multco.us/Cold.
  • City services information
Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

System Development Charges (SDCs)

Your development project may impact the City's sewer, parks, water, and streets. To help offset those impacts, you may need to pay system development charges (SDCs). Find charges for new development, additions, and changes of use. These are also called community impact fees and traffic impact fees.
On this page

SDC forms 

Submit the appropriate SDC form when you apply for your building permit.

When you might pay SDCs

You may have to pay SDCs when:

  • Adding an accessory dwelling unit (ADU)
  • Building an addition of commercial floor area
  • Building a new or adding square feet to residential or commercial occupancy
  • Creating a new redeveloped impervious area
  • Increasing the number of plumbing fixture units
  • Increasing the size of a water meter
  • Increasing volume to existing connections
  • Proposing new stormwater or sanitary connections
  • There is a change of use or occupancy

For special projects like micro units or shared kitchens, contact us. We will help you verify the correct fee.

Who charges fees and why

Environmental Services required Sewer Connection ProgramCharges cover the cost of increased use. The charges reimburse Environmental Services for the infrastructure necessary for development.
Portland Parks and RecreationCharges help cover the cost of parks and recreation facilities for new development.
Transportation Charges cover the cost of transportation facilities for new development and its users.
WaterCharges cover the cost of water facilities for new development and its users.

SDCs by service

Environmental Services SDCs

Rates effective July 1, 2024–June 30, 2025

Sanitary sewer system development charges

Occupancy type*Rate per drainage fixture unit
Tier 1 Occupancies$545
Tier 2 Occupancies$726
Tier 3 Occupancies$1,245

*Occupancy types are listed in ENB-4.05 – Administrative Rules for Sanitary and Stormwater System Development Charges.

Stormwater system development charges

$507 per 1,000 square feet of stormwater billable area

Read more about Connecting to sewer costs.

Parks and Recreation SDCs

Rates effective July 1, 2024–June 30, 2025

Dwelling unit typeNon-central CityCentral City
Less than 700 square feet$7,527.00$5,952.00
700-1,199 square feet$11,259.00$8,903.00
1,200-1,699 square feet$13,537.00$10,703.00
1,700-2,199 square feet$15,370.00$12,153.00
2,200 or more square feet$17,016.00$13,454.00
Commercial use and occupancy codeNon-central City
(per sq. ft.)
Central City
(per sq. ft.)
Occupancy group codes reference
Hospital/convalescent hospital/institutional day care$2.52$3.23I-1, I-2, I-4
Retail/restaurant/nightclub$1.88$2.60M, A-2
Industrial/school/assembly hall/motel/hotel$1.19$1.52A-1, A-3, A-4, E, F, H, Non-Dwelling Unit R (R-1)
Warehouse/storage/parking garage/mausoleum$0.26$0.33S, U

Read more about Parks system development charges.

Transportation SDCs

Rates are effective July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025, or until amended.

GFA: Gross Floor Area | VFP: Vehicle Fueling Position

TypeUnitPer unit
Single Family (1,200 SF or larger)dwelling$6,356.00
Single Family (1,199 SF or smaller)dwelling$3,178.00
Multi Family (2 or more units)dwelling$3,128.00
Senior Housing/Asst Living/Nursing Homedwelling/bed$1,612.00
Commercial services
TypeUnitPer unit
Banksq ft/GFA$46.44
Day Caresq ft/GFA$8.49
Service Station/Fuel SalesVFP$38,167.00
Movie Theater/Event Hallsq ft/GFA$16.02
Carwashwash stall$22,328.00
Health Clubsq ft/GFA$19.25
Commercial: Institutional
TypeUnitPer unit
School, K-12sq ft/GFA$6.22
University/College/Jr Collegestudent$725.00
Churchsq ft/GFA$2.89
Hospitalsq ft/GFA$5.11
Commercial: Restaurant
TypeUnitPer unit
Restaurant (stand-alone)sq ft/GFA$36.20
Quick Service Restaurant (drive-through)sq ft/GFA$113.98
Commercial: Retail
TypeUnitPer unit
Shopping/Retailsq ft/GFA$14.18
Convenience Marketsq ft/GFA$112.13
Free-Standing Retail Store/Supermarketsq ft/GFA$29.04
Car Sales New/Usedsq ft/GFA$12.80
Commercial: Office
TypeUnitPer unit
Administrative Officesq ft/GFA$6.57
Medical Office/Clinicsq ft/GFA$19.51
TypeUnitPer unit
Light Industrial/Manufacturingsq ft/GFA$4.26
Warehousing/Storagesq ft/GFA$1.22
Self Storagesq ft/GFA$1.21

Read more about Transportation system development charges.

Water SDCs

Rates are effective July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025, or until amended.

Meter sizeCharge

When a meter is removed and a new one is installed on the same site, a credit for the old meter is applied to the new meter SDC.

Dedicated fire lines are not assessed as a system development charge.

Read more about the Water's system development charges.

Payment methods

We will notify you if any SDCs apply to your development.

For all system development charges (SDCs)

  • Pay by cash, check, money order, or credit card when we issue a building permit.
  • Water SDCs are due when you pay for water services. Pay by check, money order, or credit card.
  • You may transfer SDC credits (contact respective bureaus for more information).

Defer payment plan

  • You can request to defer fee payment for 24 months.
  • The deferral period depends on the project value.
  • You will need to sign a deferral contract.
  • Interest will gain at the City’s interim rate during the deferral period.
  • You must pay the interest and deferred amount at the end of the period.
  • There is a non-refundable $50.00 finance fee.

Loan payment plans

  • Pay SDCs in monthly or bi-annual installments over 5, 10, or 20 years.
  • Complete and sign an installment contract to apply.

Deferral and loan terms

  • The City secures loans or deferrals by placing a lien on the property.
  • The lien remains until the SDCs are paid in full.
  • A non-refundable processing fee covers the set-up cost of the loan or deferral.
  • The property owner of record must sign the installment contract.
  • A non-refundable fee applies to set up the loan or deferral.

Payment option for new housing projects

Available until: June 30, 2025

  • Projects adding new housing units can:
    • Pay in full 24 months after the permit is issued.
    • No interest will be charged during this period.
  • Consequences of late payment
    • If you don’t pay the SDC in full within 24 months:
      • Interest will accrue at the City’s default rate.
      • Interest is calculated from the permit issuance date.

Reduce your SDCs


Environmental Services Stormwater SDC Reductions

  • You can reduce Stormwater SDCs by reducing the square footage of impervious area.
  • This can be done using vegetation or pervious pavement.

Alternate rate and fee calculation


To use different occupancy numbers for residential or nonresidential development, follow these steps:

  1. Submit analyzed and certified documentation from a qualified professional.
  2. Focus the analysis on occupancy by structure type, not intended occupancy.
  3. Complete the Alternative SDC Rate Request Form (PSDC-6). Include it with your application.

Visit the City’s Parks SDC Methodology Report.


Different trip generation rates from the Transportation SDC Ordinance

  • To use different rates, submit certified data.
  • The data must come from a professional traffic engineer.
  • Use the form below and attach it to your application.

Institutional development (educational and medical campuses). 

  • You may base system development charges on annual changes in trip generation.
  • Use the TSDC-4 form below and attach it to your application.

SDC credits

Credits for providing qualified public improvements are available.

Environmental Services SDC Credits

  • Credits for any equivalent dwelling units purchased with prior use of the property.
  • Credits follow the property and are not transferable.

Parks SDC Credits

  • Donate property or improvements to qualified parks to reduce your Parks' SDCs.
  • Use the PSDC-7 form below to submit a request, and attach it to your System Development Charge Form.

Transportation SDC Credits

Make improvements to specific transportation facilities to reduce your Transportation SDC.

  • Credits are available if you help construct certain street improvements.
  • Credits are also available if you change building use to one that reduces trips by more than 15%.
  • Contact Transportation to learn which projects qualify for a credit.

Use the TSDC-5 form below to submit the data, and attach it to your System Development Charge Form.

Water SDC Credits

  • Credits are given for water services that are permanently removed.
  • The credit is applied toward the SDC fee of a new metered service.
  • Credits are not transferable.

Transfer, give or sell your SDC credits to someone else

Some credits may be transferred, given away, or sold:

  • Parks
    • You can use credits on future phases of the original development.
    • Credits can also be applied to other projects, according to certain provisions.
    • Provisions are outlined in Parks SDC code.
  • Transportation
    • For use on the same parcel from which the credit originated.
    • Credit is for payment of Transportation SDCs only.
    • Credits are good for 10 years.
  • Environmental Services and Water do not transfer credits.

SDC exemptions

Portland Housing exemptions

Transportation exemptions

  • Remodels that don't change the use of the building.
  • Changing the use of a building that is 3,000 sq. ft. or less.
  • Buildings between 3,001 and 5,000 sq. ft. are assessed on a graded scale.
  • Qualifying affordable housing projects.
  • ADUs with covenant that prohibits use as a short-term rental for 10 years.
  • Permits that have only a small impact on a person's trips.

Environmental Services, Parks, and Water exemptions

  • Exemptions are available for qualifying affordable housing and campus housing projects.
  • Parks has additional exemptions outlined in City Code 17.13.060.

How SDCs are calculated

Environmental Services SDC Rates

  • Residential Rates: Based on the class and number of residential units.
  • Commercial Rates:
    • Sanitary rates are calculated using equivalent dwelling units (EDUs).
    • Commercial EDUs are estimated based on the number and type of plumbing fixtures.
    • A table of plumbing fixture unit-to-EDU equivalencies is available upon request.
  • Stormwater Rates:
    • Based on the square footage of impervious area in the project.
    • This includes the number of trips the new property is expected to generate. Transportation's trip generation data is used for this calculation.

Parks and Recreation SDC Rates

  • Rate Calculation. Based on the type and size of the building.
  • Demolition Credits. Available if demolition occurred within 36 months of the new permit intake date.
  • When SDCs Apply
    • New construction
    • Changes in use
    • Projects that expand existing use

Transportation SDC Rates

  • Rate Calculation:
    • The rate is based on the amount of money the City needs to collect over the next 10 years. This funding will expand the transportation system to handle growth-related trips.
    • Considers the projected city growth over the next 10 years.
    • The SDC rate is based on the number of trips your proposed land use generates. This number is calculated using nationally compiled statistics
  • Overlay Areas:
    • Additional Transportation SDC fees may apply to developments in certain “overlay” areas.
    • Contact Transportation to find out if your development is in an overlay area.

Water SDC Rates

  • Rate Calculation: Based on the size of the meter installed.
  • Meter Size: Determined by the number of plumbing fixtures at the property.
  • Exemptions: Fire lines are exempt from SDC fees.

Rate changes

City charges are adjusted annually for inflation, starting on July 1 each fiscal year.

City departments may change rates at other times. This often happens during their SDC Review Cycle, which varies by area.


Please call the appropriate department on the Contacts listed on this page.

All information provided here is subject to change.

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