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Facility Permit Program (FPP)

The FPP program is designed to serve customers that perform on-going interior tenant improvements and where facility maintenance, upgrades and renovations are frequent. The program is available to owners of buildings, building management companies and their tenants.
On this page

CHANGE TO SCHEDULING FPP INSPECTIONS: There have been changes to how FPP inspections are scheduled. Please see the Scheduling an FPP Inspection section below.

About the Facility Permit Program

In 1999, the City of Portland created the Facility Permit Program (FPP) to make it easier and faster for building owners and managers to do regular improvements, modifications, and maintenance on their buildings with ongoing construction needs.

The concept seemed simple enough. One inspection team works with a facility or group of facilities on all Plan Review, Permitting, and Inspections on interior tenant improvements and alterations. 

At the time, the only other city in the U.S. city to adopt this innovative approach was Phoenix, Arizona.

From the beginning, FPP’s success has relied on a combination of creativity and flexibility in our approach to City business and open-honest “two-way” communication with our customers in order to get our client’s projects from “concept to construction.”

Participants may register one or more buildings and each building must be re-registered annually. The same team will complete plan reviews and will provide inspection services for all customer buildings regardless of geographical location. This approach builds long-term ongoing relationships with the FPP team achieving a high level of familiarity with the customer’s building portfolio.

FPP services are billed at an hourly rate. This allows FPP to offer additional services such as pre-application consultations. Projects valued at $600,000 or more are assessed standard fees for all building plan review and building permit portions of the project. For customer convenience, monthly billing statements are issued which identify all charges by date, discipline, project number or name, and type of service rendered.

While the program is designed to expedite the plan review and permitting process it is not intended to relax code requirements, or to provide lower inspection or licensing standards than that required under State of Oregon Statutes, Administrative Rules or City of Portland Municipal Titles. The goal is to provide inspection and plan review services as efficiently and effectively as possible to FPP clients.

To view the Client & Building List that is updated monthly, click below: 

FPP applications and handouts 

Trade permit applications 

Fire Bureau applications

Water Bureau form

Portland Water Bureau W-4 form

FPP participant responsibilities

While FPP tries to keep projects moving forward in a timely manner, there are certain responsibilities for FPP Participants to be aware of:

  • Pre-review and communicate all planned work to the Inspection Team; (FPP Intake Form) 
  • Be primary contact with FPP Inspection Team;
  • Assure that all work installed complies with the registration guidelines outlined in the FPP program guide;
  • Maintain records and verify the accuracy, of all plan submittals.
  • Maintain, and ensures the return of required records (logs) of all Master Permit Program work;
  • Monitor the work, and when necessary assist in resolving any project related communication issues with the FPP Inspection Team;
  • Ensure compliance with the requirements of other City Bureaus;
  • Verify work is performed according to approved drawings;
  • Ensure access of the facility to the Inspection Team; 
  • Remit payment within 30 days of the billing date and resolve any billing issues;
  • Must notify FPP of any changes to building ownership and/or management company changes in a timely manner;
  • Ensure permits receive final inspection approval; 
  • Keep your contact information up to date.

How do you register a building?

The first step in getting started is to determine if your building is registered in the FPP Program. The FPP Customer & Building List indicates all currently registered buildings. It can be searched using the building name or address.

Getting started with the Facility Permit Program

FPP is closely vetting all buildings and projects that clients want to bring to the FPP Program. The process for registering a building takes about 1-2 weeks.

The Facility Permit Program requires a full building permit history review* and all the below referenced submittal materials.

Although a Building Registration Application has been submitted this does not mean that the building has been registered in the Facility Permit Program.

Things that may make a building ineligible for the FPP Program:

  • Registering a building to do a single project.
  • The building has current or open permits. (Permit application submitted or a Permit application that is “Under Review,” “Approved to Issue,” or “Issued.”)
  • Unresolved/open Violation cases or Alert folders.
  • Cancelled/voided permits associated with the building.
  • If it is a Condominium or Apartment Building.
  • Registration of one floor - it is the entire building or not at all.

In order to start the process of applying to have a building registered, please provide the following:

  1. *You will need to supply information regarding any permits that are currently under review, issued, under inspection, voided, expired, or cancelled on the building. Generally, buildings must have a clean building permit history to be eligible to register with FPP. 
  2. Existing Floor Plans for all floors of the building with tenants labelled clearly.
  3. All addresses for 1st floor tenant spaces with street facing doors and no corridor access. Also, show all suite numbers for tenants on each floor.
  4. A Site Plan that includes a North arrow, adjacent street names, footprints of the existing structure(s), and landscaping including street trees (when applicable)
  5. A completed W-4 form
  6. Be prepared to tell us your plans for the next 12-24 months. Be detailed with what you are proposing to do in the tenant space(s) so we can identify any issues ahead of time or identify if this project is better suited for the standard CO permit process. If this is a one and done tenant improvement, FPP is not for this building.

Also, when considering whether to register a building, keep the following in mind:

  • FPP building registrations are non-transferable from one owner to another.
  • Because the building is registered with FPP does not mean all projects will be able to be processed through FPP. For exterior work or complex projects, some permits may still be required to go through the standard commercial permit process.

Early assistance

The Facility Permit Program urges applicants to reach out to us early regarding more complex projects. Call us at the Facility Permit Program (FPP) phone number, in many cases a consultation will be necessary.

FPP was built around developing ongoing relationships between our customer, the building owner and the assigned inspections team. Ask us questions. Communicate with your FPP Team early and often. We are here to help you get from Concept to Construction.

What we can & can't do


  • Maintenance and Repair;
  • Major Tenant Improvements and Remodels; Alteration or renovation of existing tenant spaces;
  • Creation of new tenant spaces within existing building shell;
  • Changes in the use of existing space, within an occupancy classification;
  • Occupancy changes which do not create a greater overall relative hazard category determination;
  • Addition or alteration of mechanical, plumbing and electrical services.   

Not allowed:

  • Changes of occupancy which create a greater overall relative hazard category determination;
  • Construction of new buildings;
  • Additions that extend or increase square footage of a building or structure
  • Electrical services
  • Feeders greater than 400 amps
  • Anything over 1,000 volts
  • Sign Permits
  • Photovoltaic systems
  • Minor Labels or other alternative permitting and inspection programs within FPP Buildings.
  • Any work deemed by the FPP staff to be better suited to the standard review process, or beyond the scope of program.

Apply for your permit 

FPP Permit Plan Intake Form instructions  

Please fill out the FPP Permit Intake Form with the relevant information: 

  • Applicant Section: The applicant is the person that PP&D can contact regarding all aspects of the submittal. This includes, but isn’t limited to, checksheet responses, contractor CCB information, payment of fees, and project valuations. Please make sure the information is accurate and legible. 
  • Contact Name for plan permit pickup: Who is receiving the approved plans and permit? This is the person that PP&D will contact when the permit is ready to be issued.  
  • Project Building Name: This is the name of the building such as “The Portland Building.” 
  • Project Address: List the project address along with floor and/or suite/space #. 
  • Tenant Information: Indicate if this is a new tenant to the space, an existing tenant or a new 1st time tenant. Provide the tenant name if applicable. 
  • Description of Work proposed: Be as detailed as possible. Indicate if there is any exterior work or work involving a new or existing mezzanine.  
  • Mechanical Work proposed: Be as detailed as possible and include a copy of a completed FPP Mechanical Intake Form with your submittal. 
  • Project Valuation: Valuation of the work proposed. Do not include the valuation of the mechanical work as it is broken out on its own line. 
  • Mechanical Valuation: Valuation of the mechanical work proposed. 
  • Building/Mechanical permit number: If there is an existing building permit that your scope of work will be related to, please provide that information.  
  • Project Reference Number: If there’s no associated building/mechanical permit you must provide a valid project reference number (billing number). This number authorizes PP&D to bill the FPP Client (Responsible Party) and provides our Client with a reference number on invoices from PP&D. It can then be used to tie the review and inspection charges for the permit to the corresponding project. This is why the responsible party is required to sign application. 
  • General Contractor Information: A valid CCB license must be provided prior to the issuance of the building permit.  
  • Sub-Contractors: There is room to identify the sub-contractors, but they will be required to submit the standard trade permit applications to receive a valid trade permit.  
  • Submit the completed FPP Intake Form to 

Things that can delay your submittal

  • Incomplete or missing FPP Intake Form
  • Missing or incorrect Project Reference Number
  • Minimum submittal requirements have not been met
  • Missing or incomplete Code Summary
  • Expired Engineer stamps
  • Plans stamped "Not for Construction"

Minimal submittal requirements (electronic plans) 

  • One (1) PDF of plans, maximum of 30 pages 
  • One (1) PDF of application(s) – FPP Permit Plan Intake Form
  • One (1) PDF of Structural Calculations Stamped by the Engineer of Record licensed w/State of Oregon, (if applicable) 
  • One (1) PDF of Project Manual (if applicable) 
  • Plan size minimum 11x17 
  • Plan size maximum 36x48 
  • All plans must be drawn to scale (min. 1 inch = 10 ft) 
  • Drawings cannot contain color 
  • Dimensions and notes must be printed to match 12-point font minimum. 
  • Site Plan – Required for all exterior work. The site plan should identify streets and parking. 
  • Elevation View (All sides) – Required for all exterior work. 
  • Floor Plans – A full floor plan of the proposed alterations and existing conditions for each level of the building in which work is being done. These should be fully dimensioned and labeled, including existing and proposed walls, walls to be removed, door swing direction, windows, stairs, plumbing fixtures, accessibility clearances, uses of rooms/areas, fire-rating of walls 
  • Roof Plan – Required for all work done on a roof, the roof plan should include roof materials, slopes, drains, vents, access hatch, and roof-mounted equipment. Sketches and aerial photographs are not allowed. 
  • Code Summary (Occupancy type, floor area, tenant area, tenant occupant load, etc.) 
  • Cross Section Drawings 
  • Architectural and/or structural “Approval” stamps: Plans are not deemed complete without the approval stamps. 

Minimal submittal requirements (paper plans)

  • Minimum three (3) sets of plans are required
  • Two (2) sets of Structural Calculations Stamped by the Engineer of Record licensed w/State of Oregon, (if applicable)
  • One (1) Project Manual (if applicable)
  • Plan size minimum 11” x 17”
  • All plans must be drawn to scale (min. 1 inch = 10 ft)
  • Drawings cannot contain color
  • Dimensions and notes must be printed to match 12-point font minimum.
  • Site Plan – When there is exterior work a site plan is required.
  • Elevation View (All sides) – When there is exterior work.
  • Floor Plans – A full floor plan of the proposed alterations and existing conditions for each level of the building in which work is being done. This includes fully dimensioned and labeled, including existing and proposed walls, walls to be removed, door swing direction, windows, stairs, plumbing fixtures, accessibility clearances, uses of rooms/areas, fire-rating of walls
  • Roof Plan – When there is any work being done on the roof, the roof plan should include roof materials, slopes, drains, vents, access hatch, and roof-mounted equipment. Sketches and aerial photographs are not allowed.
  • Code Summary (Occupancy type, floor area, tenant area, tenant occupant load, etc.)
  • Cross Section Drawings
  • Architectural and/or structural “Approval” stamps: Plans are not deemed complete without the approval stamps.

Please remember when submitting plans or corrections, the following are not allowed:

  1. Taped or glued items including labels, stickers or adhesive papers
  2. Grayscale drawings
  3. Highlighter
  4. Color line representation (with the exception of limited red pen or red permanent marker corrections)
  5. Photographs used to demonstrate a requirement of code
  6. Aerial Photographs used to represent the site plan
  7. Paper stapled to documents in lieu of mark ups or updated full sheet

If you have a document with any of these items, you will be required to make photocopies of the sheet(s) in order to submit a “clean” set of plans. The Bureau still asks for hand drawn changes to plans to be marked with red pen or marker to indicate changes or updated sections to your plans.

Electronic permit applications and plan submittals (30 pages or less)

If your plans consist of 30 or fewer pages, your plans may be submitted electronically. Please follow the steps outlined in the Single PDF Process for more details.

  1. Prior to submittal of any plans please be sure the plans meet FPP Minimum Submittal Requirements. It is your responsibility as the applicant to verify the completeness of your permit submittal.
  2. To initiate a plan submittal, FPP applicants must submit their completed FPP Intake Application by email to the Facility Permit program.
  3. Applications will be vetted, and a determination will be returned to you as to whether the plans can be submitted electronically or will need to be submitted in paper form. This decision will be based on plan size, address of the work and the scope of work.
  4. You will receive a response that will either move ahead with the electronic plan submittal or an invitation to set up a drop-off appointment for paper plans at the Development Services Center in downtown Portland. These drop-off appointments are scheduled Monday through Wednesday between 9 a.m. and noon.
  5. Please be sure to obtain a project reference or billing ID number from the FPP Responsible party for the building where the work is taking place. For assistance in determining your FPP Responsible party please check the Facility Permit Program Client and Building List or call the Facility Permit Program phone number. If the call is not answered by a staff member, please leave a message including your name, phone number, permit number and project name, and your call will be returned at our earliest opportunity.

Checksheet responses for plans reviewed electronically

Please send an email message to the Facility Permit Program for permits that are under review where all first reviews have been completed and you are responding to all outstanding checksheets at one time. Instructions to respond to checksheets:

  • If any plan pages are changing, please upload a complete new set of plans with pages removed, added or updated.
  • IMPORTANT – Please make sure all of the plan pages are the same size as the original submittal.
  • IMPORTANT – Please name the new set of plans the same, exact name as the first set of plans submitted. This allows us to overlay the plan sets to see any changes and expedites the review process. 
  • Please submit the checksheet response(s) as separate PDFs.
  • Please submit the plan set as 1 PDF.
  • Please submit any sheets that are labeled "for reference only" (if applicable) as 1 PDF.
  • Please submit any updated structural calcs (if applicable) as 1 PDF.
  • Please submit any other documentation (if applicable) as 1 PDF.

If you have any questions please email the Facility Permit Program or call the Facility Permit Program phone number. If the call is not answered by a staff member, please leave a message including your name, phone number, permit number and project name, and your call will be returned at our earliest opportunity.

Receiving approved electronic plans and permits

  • If fees are due prior to issuance, or CCB license information is required, you will be contacted before the permit is issued. These items will need to be resolved before the link to access your approved plans will be sent.
  • Once all the required reviews are complete, you will receive an email message letting you know the permit has been issued. The email message will contain a link to access your approved plans, permit and inspection card (if applicable) to print at your convenience (card stock is recommended). The plans, the permit, and inspection card should be posted on-site for inspections.

Paper permit applications and plan submittals (31 or more pages)

If your plans consist of 31 or more pages, your plans must be submitted on paper. 

Please follow these steps:

  1. Prior to submittal of any plans please be sure the plans meet FPP Minimum Submittal Requirements. It is your responsibility as the applicant to verify the completeness of your permit submittal.
  2. To initiate a plan submittal, FPP applicants must submit their completed FPP Intake Form by appointment only between 9 a.m. and noon on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Please call the Facility Permit Program phone number. If the call is not answered by a staff member, please leave a message including your name, phone number, permit number and project name, and your call will be returned at our earliest opportunity.
  3. Applications will be vetted to verify submittal requirements have been met. 
  4. Please be sure to obtain a project reference or billing ID number from the FPP Responsible party for the building where the work is taking place. For assistance in determining your FPP Responsible party please visit the FPP website or call the Facility Permit Program phone number. If the call is not answered by a staff member, please leave a message including your name, phone number, permit number and project name, and your call will be returned at our earliest opportunity.

Checksheet responses for paper plans

  • You can drop off checksheet responses for permits that are under review in cases where all first reviews have been completed and you are responding to all outstanding checksheets at one time.
  • Checksheet response drop-offs are by appointment only between 9 a.m. and noon on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Please call the Facility Permit Program phone number. If the call is not answered by a staff member, please leave a message including your name, phone number, permit number and project name, and your call will be returned at our earliest opportunity.

Receiving approved paper plans and permits

  • If fees are due prior to issuance, or CCB license information is required, you will be contacted before the permit is issued. These items will need to be resolved before the link to access your approved plans will be sent.
  • Once you receive the email notification that your permit has been issued and is ready for pick up, please read the notification carefully. To pick up “Approved to Issue” plans by appointment only between 9:00 AM and noon on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Please call the Facility Permit Program - if the call is not answered live, leave a message including your name, phone number, permit number, project name and the first and last name of the person picking up the plans.

Things to consider about the Facility Permit Program

Code summary

Applications must show how they comply with the building code. A code summary is critical to convey design assumptions made for the building. Please see the Building Code Summary Worksheet

Change of occupancy

Changes of occupancy which create a greater overall relative hazard category determination may be required to go through the standard commercial permit process. Until the project is submitted for permit review a final determination as to whether it can go through FPP cannot be made.

Life Safety summary

A Fire & Life Safety Summary (FLSS) is required per OSSC 107.3 for buildings with complex fire and life safety systems or when the life safety plans examiner determines it is necessary to clarify how the building will conform to building codes. Examples of buildings where Fire & Life Safety Summaries are required include, among others: hospitals, malls, large assembly buildings, high-rise buildings and buildings with smoke control systems.

A Fire & Life Safety Summary is similar to a code summary, but has more detail about sprinklers, fire alarms, detection systems and other construction information about the building. Please see the handout for Fire and Life Safety Summaries (FLSS) for more information.

Seismic strengthening requirements

Portland City Code, Title 24.85 contains criteria that may trigger requirements for additional seismic strengthening when the work involves an existing building.

How do I submit Deferred Submittals & Revisions?

When submitting Deferred Submittals & Revisions you must fill out an FPP Deferred Submittal or Revision application.

Deferred Submittal:

  1. A signed copy of the FPP Deferred Submittal application
  2. Three (3) sets of plans
  3. Two (2) set of calculations
  4. Two (2) sets of product information
  5. Complete project submittals may use FPP electronic (single PDF process) or paper submittal guidelines

Please Note: The deferred submittal drawings shall be stamped by the EoR with a review stamp. The review stamp shall be placed at a minimum on the cover page of the deferred submittal drawings, and cannot be located only on a transmittal (OSSC Certain deferred submittal drawings must also be stamped by the AoR with a review stamp if the main permit was prepared and stamped by a licensed Architect.

Deferred submittals that require a review stamp from the AoR include but are not limited to: 

  • Curtain wall 
  • Storefront 
  • Stairs/ Guards/ Handrails 
  • Fire Protection 
  • Fire Life Safety Summary Binder 
  • Glazing 
  • Skylights 
  • Canopies 
  • Exterior coverings 
  • Wood joists 
  • Wood trusses


  1. A copy of the FPP Revision application
  2. Three (3) sets of plans that clearly reflect the proposed change(s). Drawings and calculations must be stamped and signed by the Architect and/or the Engineer of Record, if applicable
  3. Two (2) sets of calculations, if applicable
  4. Inspector’s correction notice, if revision is due to an inspection correction
  5. Complete project submittals may use FPP electronic (single PDF process) or paper submittal guidelines

What is a Project Reference number or a "Billing Identification" number?

The "Project Reference Number" (Billing Number) is a set of numbers and/or letters that is (created by the Responsible Party or the Building Management Company) similar to a purchase order number. This is not YOUR JOB NUMBER

The "Project Reference Number" (Billing Number) is our authorization to bill the Responsible Party and provides them with a reference number on our invoices that can be used to tie the review and inspection charges for the permit to the corresponding project. Typically, the same "Project Reference Number" will be used for the building permit and all related trade permits for the same project. 

Please note: If we do not have a Project Reference Number, we cannot set up or issue a permit.  

For Questions, please call the Facility Permit Program phone number.

Plan Review process

  • After you submit your plans, they will be reviewed for the minimum submittal requirements by a permit technician.
  • Additional review will be done to confirm the project can be processed through FPP.

If the permit cannot be processed through FPP, the applicant will be notified as soon as possible. Your FPP Team will work with you to determine if your plans meet minimum submittal guidelines prior to your submittal through the standard commercial permit process. In addition, we will ensure:

  • The plans will either be set up or the applicant will be notified of any additional information that is required.
  • Once the permit is set up the applicant will receive an email notification.
  • The plans will be routed to the appropriate review groups based on the project scope of work.
  • A checksheet requesting any clarifications or corrections, if needed, will be provided from each of the assigned review groups.
  • For additional information on the review process, see the FPP permitting process overview flowchart.

The common review groups include:

  • Life safety/Mechanical review
  • Structural review
  • Electrical
  • Plumbing
  • Bureau of Fire and Rescue
  • Planning and Zoning review

Other review groups and Bureaus may also need to review the plans based on the scope of work or valuation of the work being performed.

Things to Consider:

Prolonged reviews can add cost and delays to your project. The best way to ensure the quickest review time:

  1. Make sure your FPP Intake form is completely filled out, the most commonly missed section is the project reference number.
  2. Provide complete, legible, scannable plan sets that include:
    a. A site plan (when applicable)
    b. Floor Plans – A full floor plan of the proposed alterations and existing conditions for each level of the building in which work is being done. This includes fully dimensioned and labeled, including existing and proposed walls, walls to be removed, door swing direction, windows, stairs, plumbing fixtures, accessibility clearances, uses of rooms/areas, fire-rating of walls.
  3. Planning and Zoning code review, Land Use Reviews – (Historic and/or Design) Zoning Nonconforming Upgrades (NCUs). (The requirements are intended to bring sites into conformance over time with zoning standards that may have changed since the original approval of the development.)
  4. Respond promptly to Checksheets.
  5. Permit cannot be issued without contractor information.
  6. The following are not allowed on plans:
    a. Taped or glued items including labels, stickers or adhesive papers
    b. Grayscale drawings
    c. Highlighter
    d. Color line representation
    e. Photographs used to demonstrate requirements of code
    f. Aerial Photographs used to represent the site plan
    g. Papers stapled to drawings in lieu of additional full-size pages


A checksheet is sent to the applicant when a reviewer needs additional information, or a correction must be made to the plans. When you have gathered the additional information or made the corrections, bring the plans/information to the 3rd floor, Facility Permit Program and call the Facility Permit Program (FPP) phone number. Reviewers will be notified that a checksheet response has been received, and review will continue.

Status Reports

Status reports are available after your project has been assigned to reviewers. Status reports show all reviews and include the reviewer’s name and phone number. FPP permits are easy to identify due to their unique permit designation “FA” at the end of the permit number. To obtain a status report go to Portland Maps or call the Facility Permit Program (FPP) phone number.

Permit Issued

When the last technical review is approved, your permit will be issued. The person designated to pick up the plans on your FPP intake form will be contacted when the permit is ready.

Scheduling FPP inspections

The FPP inspection card lists all the inspections you will likely need during your construction project, and what work needs to be done first.

Please submit your inspection requests by emailing

This applies to all FPP permits including trade permits. The FPP Inspector will contact you to discuss your inspection request.

  • Once a permit has been issued, inspections are scheduled directly through the FPP Inspection Request Email, NEVER THROUGH THE IVR SYSTEM. This applies to all FPP permits including trade permits.
  • Please submit your inspection requests by emailing
  • In the subject line of the email message please include the FPP Inspector’s Name and Requested Date of Inspection.
  • The following information should be provided as part of the request for inspection in the body of the email message:
    • Permit Number
    • Site Address
    • Type of inspection
    • Direct contact information (name and phone number)
This image illustrates the information that is needed when submitting a request for an inspection for a project enrolled in the Facility Permit Program.
  • Inspectors can accommodate most inspection requests. If they are not available, a backup inspector will be assigned automatically. (We’ve got you covered!)
  • Secured Access for inspections – If a project has secured access a representative or General Contractor must be present for the inspection to make sure that the inspector has access.
  • Cancellation Policy - Clients will be subject to a minimum .25-hr charge if inspection appointments are canceled within 24 hours. If the Inspector is en route when an appointment is canceled, the client will be charged .50-hr for drive time.
  • Inspection results are available on Portland Maps the following business day.


Facility Permit Program (FPP)

Permitting & Development
phone number503-823-5996Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Leave a message with your name, phone number, permit number and project name.
Oregon Relay Service711Oregon Relay Service
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