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Mechanical Permits- Commercial

Apply for a commercial mechanical permit and get a commercial mechanical inspection. Get the mechanical permit application. Get a push/pull permit, rooftop mechanical permits, gas piping permits and permits for a/c, heating and ductwork. Get a trade permit extension or reactivation.
Person checking meters on air conditioner

The form takes 15 minutes to complete if plans are not needed.

On this Page

The City of Portland welcomes the opportunity to work with you on your commercial mechanical permit. Learn more about what's required when you apply for a commercial mechanical permit.

This webpage is about commercial mechanical permits. You might also want to learn more about residential mechanical permits

When a mechanical permit is needed 

Mechanical permits are required for new installations, additions, or alterations to mechanical systems. Examples include roof top mechanical units, natural gas line(s), walk in cooler(s), ducting or hood ventilation systems. Not all installations require Mechanical Plan review, but all must conform to the Oregon Mechanical Specialty Code.

Who can do commercial mechanical permit work

If the work proposed is in a building that is not intended for rent, sale, lease or exchange, the property owner, an owner’s representative, or the tenant can perform the work, as well as an Oregon licensed general contractor.  

All contractors working in the State of Oregon must have a license to work in Oregon. The Oregon Construction Contractors Board (CCB) issues licenses to contractors and maintains records on licensed contractors and about any claims filed against them. Contact the CCB at (503) 378-4621 for further questions.

Apply for a commercial mechanical permit online or in person

You can submit your permit application request online via Development Hub PDX or in person. 

Get step-by-step instructionsfor submitting a permit application request online. 

If you need to submit paper plans, you can set up an appointment to pick up plans or drop off plans in person. Or, please call us and we will work with you.

Mechanical information required for a commercial permit

Commercial Permit Submittal Requirements

Projects that don't need plan review 

Generally, these are the projects that can be issued without plan review:

  • Push/Pull (Like for Like) of commercial equipment under 5 tons
  • Gas piping < $5000
  • Condensing units inside building associated with a commercial building permit (CO) for walk-in freezer/cooler
  • Moving or replacing ductwork not involving fire dampers or penetrations of fire walls, fire assemblies or floors
  • Moving or replacing grills in duct work

If the project does not fall in the list above, a Mechanical plan review is required. You'll need to submit plans for review to ensure compliance with Oregon Mechanical Specialty Code as well as any applicable city code.

Submittal standards (projects with plan review)

As part of the review process, a complete submittal is required which includes a mechanical permit application, mechanical drawings, structural sheets and/or calculations or specification sheets associated with the equipment to be installed.

As part of the construction set, all plans should be drawn to scale (no sketches, Google maps, or photographs) include a simple site plan, full floor plan and roof plan as applicable.

At a minimum, mechanical drawings must include:

  • Drawings are to be drawn to scale where necessary to verify compliance with code.
  • Drawings may be handwritten/drawn if clear and legible. Text or note shall be in print.
  • Minimum drawing size: 11X17. Notwithstanding, all required information is to be clear and legible. Minimum printed text is to be 3/32” or the equivalent 12-point font.
  • Cannot use professional's drawings without the permission of the professional who signed the original drawings. For example, an architect’s stamped plan set cannot be used without their permission.
  • If using plans that have been drawn by others, e.g. architect, engineer, etc., mechanical work must be clear and non-mechanical work minimized and shown only as a background.
  • Scope of work covered by the permit application is to be clearly indicated on the drawings. All other unrelated work shall not be shown.
  • Mechanical plans coversheet is to include an equipment list of all equipment where the structural support and seismic attachment are governed by the OSSC.
  • Depending on the scope of work, a site plan may be required.
  • Equipment product data shall be included.
  • Engineering calculations and details (if the additional load on the roof will exceed 400 lbs
  • Existing structural system is adequate, OR
  • Design any improvements required to support the loads.

An Oregon licensed structural engineer must prepare any calculations and/or drawings if required. Any engineered drawings or details must be incorporated into the plans or cross-referenced on the plans. These documents must be submitted with the plans and may be a separate drawing.

Additional information about specific project types

Rooftop units

HVAC systems

Mechanical hood ventilation systems

Plan review and permit/case search 

The review groups that will check a typical mechanical permit are:

  • Mechanical Plan Review 
  • Fire Plans Examiner
  • Structural Review (addition of equipment weighing more than 400 lbs.) 
  • Planning and Zoning (any exterior work or interior work with exterior penetrations) 

Every project is unique and additional information may be required for review. Permit status can be reviewed on Portland Maps permit/case search.

If you need to make corrections

If additional information is required to verify the work meets state and/or city requirements, a checksheet requesting any clarifications or corrections will be issued to the applicant identified on the Mechanical permit application. Get more information about the corrections process:

Commercial mechanical permit fees

Commercial Mechanical permit fees are based on the value of the work to be performed and may include any review fees by City Reviewers. The Mechanical Permit Fee Schedule is adopted by City Council.

Expired permits or permits about to expire

Apply for a permit extension or reactivation.

Commercial mechanical inspections, results and corrections

Once the project has been approved and final fees have been paid, you can request an inspection.

To schedule an inspection, the IVR and/or permit number is needed and the three-digit code for the inspection. Results of the inspection can be obtained online on Portland Maps permit/case search or by calling the IVR system.

If the inspection is Not Approved and corrections are needed, the inspector will list the corrections needed on the inspection report and provide a copy for the site. After those corrections are completed, reinspection can occur.

Here are some common reasons why work did not get approved:

  • No access - the inspector may not have been able to inspect the work
  • Incomplete work
  • Code violation

After the corrections have been addressed, schedule a reinspection. Use the same three-digit inspection code when calling for the original inspection.

There is a reinspection fee charged for more than one reinspection for a single issue.

Contact commercial mechanical inspectors

If you have questions before your inspection, you can talk to an inspector. The commercial mechanical inspector area map lists the inspector's name, area, and phone number. The best time to reach an inspector is between 7:30 am - 8:00 am. 

Small Business Empowerment Program

The Small Business Empowerment Program assists Black, Indigenous and people of color business owners and business owners with disabilities recognized by the ADA who have experienced barriers in the review process. Learn more about how we can help


Commercial Inspections

Permitting & Development
phone number503-823-7303Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Oregon Relay Service711Oregon Relay Service

General Inquiries

Portland Permitting & Development
phone number503-823-7300Our front desk team will be available to answer Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please leave a message if you call outside of those hours.
Oregon Relay Service711Oregon Relay Service

Requests for Inspection

Permitting & Development
phone number503-823-7000Automated Line - Requires an IVR or permit number
Oregon Relay Service711Oregon Relay Service
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