Presidents Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, to observe Presidents Day.

Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Commercial Permit Inspections

Schedule commercial permit inspections including pre-construction meetings. Find inspector district maps and commercial permit inspector contacts. Learn more about condo permit inspections, apartment inspections, new construction inspections, triplex inspections and more.
Inspector working on a site
On this Page

Contact commercial permit inspectors

If you have questions before your inspection, call an inspector. The commercial inspector area map lists the inspector's name, area, and phone number.   

Because of vacation or illness, your inspector may be different than the one listed on the map.

Contact after an inspection

If you have questions after your inspection, find your inspector's contact information on your inspection results or PortlandMaps.

Safety precautions during commercial inspections 

Please prepare for your inspections by ensuring safe access for inspectors. This includes following all applicable Oregon OSHA safety requirements for concerns such as fall protection, ladder and scaffold installation, ventilation, electrical hazards, and excavation.

Pre-construction meetings with an area commercial inspector 

Pre-construction meetings are encouraged and for some projects, may be mandatory. The meetings can be formal, with a large group made up of the project team, City inspection, and interagency partner staff. Or, they can be one-on-one with the area inspector.

Pre-construction meetings provide you with information specific to your project approval. Schedule a pre-construction meeting by calling Commercial Inspections.

Scheduling commercial permit inspections and canceling inspections

You must have periodic inspections of work being done. We limit the number of inspections that we schedule each day. The IVR System is available 24 hours a day. The IVR system will tell you the available dates for scheduling your inspection.

The system cuts off requests for same-day inspections (if there are inspection times available) at 6:00 AM. Please call Commercial Inspections and leave a message with instructions about an inspection.

We understand there may be special scheduling needs or cancellations of requested inspections. In this event, please contact Commercial Inspections - Structural & Mechanical. The Commercial Inspections team will make reasonable accommodations on a case-by-case basis.

Unscheduled commercial permit inspections

The Commercial Inspections team’s primary responsibility is to inspect completed work scheduled through the IVR System. We don't usually do unscheduled inspections except in emergencies (i.e. loss of power, heat, water, sanitation).

When construction is ready for inspection

The work scheduled for inspection must be ready by 8:00 AM the morning of the inspection. If the work is not completed, the visit still counts as one of the customer’s allotted inspections. This may result in more inspection fees for the project.

Commercial Inspectors must have immediate access to the work being inspected. This means no locked doors, fences, gates, etc. It is your responsibility to provide the inspector with access to the inspection site.

Rescheduled commercial permit inspections 

We have a cap on the number of inspections completed each day. This cap has reduced the number of rolled-over inspections. Limiting the number of inspections also helps make sure inspectors can attend all scheduled inspections. 

Sometimes we have to reschedule inspections for the next business day. Commercial Inspections office support will call the phone number on the permit application by 9:30 AM on the day of the requested inspection if we have to reschedule. Please be assured the Commercial Inspections team will do everything they can to meet your inspection needs in a timely and efficient manner.

Deferred Submittals (DFS)

DFS plans must be submitted to, reviewed, and approved by the City (by permit) before starting any work or special inspection in the areas of the project subject to the deferred submittal. It is highly recommended that all DFS submittal dates be added to the construction schedule and calendar so they are submitted to the City well in advance (at least 30 days) of the date the construction work subject to approval and issuance of the DFS permits is scheduled to start.

According to OAR Chapter 918, Division 50, a project may not proceed beyond the level of approval by the Building Official. Work proceeding on DFS elements without the approved plans is subject to a stop work order. Inspections will not be conducted on DFS work until city-approved plans are on the job site.

Job site access for commercial inspections 

If the job site is to be accessed from a lockbox, this information must be left as a voicemail for the Commercial Inspector when the customer schedules the inspection through the IVR System. It is important to include lockbox location and access code(s) or combination(s). Commercial Inspectors must have immediate access to the work being inspected. This means free of any barriers such as locked doors, fences, gates, etc.

It is your responsibility to provide the Commercial Inspector access to the site at the time of inspection. If the job site is to be accessed from a lockbox, this information must be left as a voicemail for the Commercial Inspector when the customer schedules the inspection through the IVR System. It is important to include lockbox location and access code(s) or combination(s).

Approved plans must be on-site

Oregon State Building, Electrical, and Plumbing codes require approved plans onsite during the Commercial Inspector’s visit. 

An effective way to meet this requirement is to have one central place, such as an inspection kiosk, for all approved plans (and approved revisions), inspection cards, Special Inspection Daily Reports, revisions, and Requests for Information (RFI) available near the work under inspection.

Leave a message using the IVR system explaining where to find the approved plans. This helps ensure an efficient commercial inspection process.

Mandatory pre-construction erosion control inspection 

The construction site for your project may require preliminary erosion and stormwater control evaluation by a Site Development Inspector. Tree protection verification may be required as identified on the approved construction documents/plans and must be completed by a City Tree Inspector. Those inspections can be scheduled in the IVR system and must occur before site work begins.

  • Pre-construction erosion control inspection is code 200
  • Tree Protection Inspection, if required as noted on approved plans, is Inspection Code 570

During an inspection, we will provide you with specific site, stormwater, erosion control, and tree protection information and requirements that must be implemented before site work begins. The site development and tree protection requirements will be reviewed periodically throughout the project to ensure any issues that arise are promptly addressed.

Designated inspector parking for a commercial inspection

Customers can assist the Commercial Inspections Team by establishing an on-site parking space designated “City Inspector Parking Only.” Finding a parking spot around a busy construction site can be very difficult. Time spent looking for a parking spot could be better spent on the inspection or on consultation visits with our customers.

Final inspections/Certificate of Occupancy 

While projects vary widely, the general process of moving from initial plans to the final inspection and approval to occupy follows the same basic steps and requirements for assuring that the project is completed in reasonable compliance with the approved construction documents and applicable codes.
It is important to work closely with the Inspection Team as you near completion of your project. We recommend at least 45-60 days before your scheduled completion date, that you consult with the Inspection Team on scheduling the final inspections. Approved BES 487 inspection for private stormwater facilities is required before final inspections happen.

Other types of inspections 

Commercial inspectors don't conduct these inspections:

You might also want to read more about residential permit inspections

Being a good neighbor during construction 

Being a good neighbor for the surrounding properties, pedestrians and vehicle operators on the streets is a very important thing to do throughout your construction project. Ways to ensure your project is not problematic for your neighbors are:

  • Implement Construction Noise Control: Permissible Hours and Noise Level - From 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday, the City permits a very liberal standard for construction noise (85 dBA at a 50’ distance). Note: Reliable sound level (noise) meters can be purchased at reasonable cost at many local hardware and electronics stores. It is important when checking the noise level of your own equipment that you use the “A” weighting and position yourself at the proper distance away from the equipment when taking the readings.
  • Manage construction litter and debris on the site: Keeping your site free of accumulated construction debris and litter will go a long way in ensuring trash is not blown into streets or surrounding properties and the streets are free of debris and mud that may impact pedestrians and vehicles.
  • Limit glare from construction lighting: Glare from bright construction site lighting can be distracting to vehicle operators, pedestrians and neighbors. Use of light shields and installing directed lighting ensures illumination is limited to the construction area, and minimizes glare on adjacent properties and streets.
  • Post emergency contact information at the site entrance: Posting a sign that clearly displays a contact phone number for the project manager will help ensure persons wishing to contact the manager directly will be able to do so. It is also helpful and especially important to have a night and weekend phone number posted for emergency contact.

We welcome input from our valued customers

The Commercial Inspections Team appreciates the customer input that helped develop this webpage – customer feedback is always welcome. Customers may provide comments at any time by sending us an email.

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