Commercial Permits Forms

Get all commercial building forms and multi-family structure (3 or more units) forms from Portland Permitting & Development. Find the list of commercial forms like the commercial building permit application, commercial life safety forms, and commercial brochures.
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Get the most current commercial permits and inspections forms. You can also search for more information about the topics listed here or browse all Commercial Development Permitting and Inspections webpages

Find out what to include with a completed commercial permit application 

This webpage is a quick list of forms for people who know what they need for a completed application. Learn more about what to include with a completed commercial permit application for new construction or for commercial alteration permits

You can also search to find out what to include with an application to make sure it's complete. For example, search for "commercial TI,"commercial electrical permits" or "Facility Permit Program" to find detailed webpages on these Commercial Development Permitting and Inspections topics.

The webpages include step-by-step application instructions and links to apply online (if available). They also have other forms like checklists to include with an application. 

All commercial building applications, brochures, forms and multi-family structure (3 or more units) forms

  • Submittal Requirements Commercial for the following can be found on Commercial Permit Submittal Requirements
    • Major Interior Alterations
    • Minor Interior Alterations
    • New Construction, Additions, Alterations with Exterior Work or Structural Changes

Commercial trade permit applications 

Electrical Permit Application

Mechanical Permit Application

Plumbing Permit Application

Life Safety forms for commercial permits 

Search for more applications, brochures, forms and handouts about development projects 

You can search for more applications, brochures and other forms by name in Documents. For best results, use more than one word in your search. For example, building permit application.

Learn more about the commercial permitting process and apply online or in person for commercial permits

You can apply online for a permit or drop plans off in person with an appointment. You can also learn more about the permit review process