Building Official Determination 22-02: Fire Sprinkler Protection of Unprotected Glazed Openings


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BOD 22-02: Fire Sprinkler Protection of Unprotected Glazed Openings 

QUESTION: In buildings fully sprinklered with NFPA Type 13 or Type 13R sprinkler systems, is there an alternate method of providing an equivalent to 20 or 45 minute fire protected glazed opening without requiring a building code appeal?

RESPONSE: In the three locations listed below, installation of additional standard spray sprinkler heads, in an NFPA 13 defined water curtain, will be considered to be equivalent to 20 or 45 minute fire protection for glazed openings. 

  1. Corridors required to be fire resistance rated per 2019 OSSC 1020.1 with the exception of H and I occupancies. The protected glazed openings may comprise 100 percent of the wall length.
  2. Egress courts required to have a fire protection rating per 2019 OSSC 1028.4.2.
  3. Vertical exposure for buildings on separate lots per 2019 OSSC 705.8.6.2.

The non-rated glazed openings utilizing this alternative must be non-operable. Doors with fixed glazing utilizing this alternative are to be equipped with gaskets and closers. Additional sprinkler heads must be installed to wash the non-rated glazing. Sprinkler heads are to be spaced not more than 6 feet apart and placed a minimum of 6 inches and a maximum of 12 inches from the opening(s) and a maximum of 12 inches below the ceiling. Sprinklers are to be installed on the occupied side of the openings. A separate permit from the Fire Marshal’s Office is required.

Note: Additional sprinkler heads will increase water demand. System capacity will be verified at time of sprinkler plan review.

HISTORY: Implemented October 6, 2022.

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