Building Code Guides (BCGs) and Building Official Determinations (BODs) provide answers about the application of building codes and outline optional alternates. BODs are typically smaller in scope and address simpler questions. Code Guides provide a comprehensive alternative to a complicated set of code requirements.
BOD 21-02: Fire Pump Room Access
QUESTION: 2016 NFPA 20 requires access be provided to the fire pump room directly from the exterior of the building or through a two-hour fire rated passageway. Under what conditions can the access be through other parts of the building?
RESPONSE: Although the current building code (2019 OSSC) references the 2016 edition of NFPA 20, the future 2021 IBC references the 2019 edition of NFPA 20. The City of Portland will allow use of 2019 NFPA 20 Section
2019 NFPA 20 Section Where a fire pump is installed in a parking garage or some other portion of a building separated from the rest of the building by fire rated construction equivalent to the pump room, and the portion of the building containing the fire pump is protected by a sprinkler system that does not rely on the fire pump, the protected access shall not be required.
The parking garage does not need to be separated from accessory uses on the same story (e.g. electrical rooms and storage spaces) with an aggregate area less than 10% of the gross floor area of the story.
HISTORY: Implemented June 4, 2021.
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