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Building Official Determination 19-05: Small Assembly Occupancies


Building Code Guides (BCGs) and Building Official Determinations (BODs) provide answers about the application of building codes and outline optional alternates. BODs are typically smaller in scope and address simpler questions. Code Guides provide a comprehensive alternative to a complicated set of code requirements.

BOD 19-05: Small Assembly Occupancies 

OSSC 303.1.2, Table 1004.1.2, 1015.1 and 903.2.1.2

QUESTION: What occupancy classification should be assigned to a dining/drinking establishment that contains more than one room each with an occupant load of 49 or less and each with one code compliant exit? Are there any restrictions on how large the openings between rooms can be? 

RESPONSE: A dining/drinking establishment that contains more than one room each with a maximum occupant load of 49 shall be classified as a B Occupancy under the following conditions:

  1. Each room that is part of the dining/drinking establishment use shall have a calculated occupant load of 49 persons or less including service personnel.
  2. Each room shall have a minimum of one code compliant exit that is independent of the egress system of any of the other rooms and that does not combine with the egress systems from other rooms or other areas of the building in which the use is located until the point of exit discharge to a public way is achieved.
  3. Each room shall be separated from other rooms by full height partitions compliant with the construction required for the building in which the use is located. Openings in the partitions separating the rooms shall be limited to a maximum area of 49% of the common wall area separating each room. In addition, a draft curtain shall be provided at each opening between rooms extending a minimum of 24” below the ceiling.
  4. The total occupant load for the dining/drinking establishment, including service personnel, shall not exceed 99 persons.
  5. Each room that is part of the dining/drinking establishment use shall have the occupant load posted near the exit.
  6. The exit door from each space swings out in the direction of egress.  

HISTORY: Implemented August 7, 2019.

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