State Building Codes and Administrative Rules
State building codes and related administrative rules and interpretations are listed below.
- Adopted Energy Codes and Standards
- Building Codes Division Statewide Code Interpretations
- Oregon Administrative Rules 918
- Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS):
- ORS 446 (Manufactured dwellings and structures; parks; tourist facilities; ownership records; dealers and dealerships)
- ORS 447 (Plumbing; architectural barriers)
- ORS 455 (Building Code)
- ORS 460 (Elevators; amusement rides and devices)
- ORS 479 (Protection of buildings from fire; electrical safety law)
- ORS 480 (Explosives; flammable materials; pressure vessels)
- State Appeal Decisions
- State Building Codes
- Statewide Alternate Methods
City Codes
Portland Permitting & Development administers the following City codes:
- Chapter 3.30 Portland Permitting & Development
- Chapter 16.60 Motor Vehicle Fuels
- Title 4 Original Art Murals
- Title 10 Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations
- Title 11 Trees
- Title 18 Noise Control
- Title 24 Building Regulations
- Title 25 Plumbing Regulations
- Title 26 Electrical Regulations
- Title 27 Heating and Ventilating Regulations
- Title 28 Floating Structures
- Title 29 Property Maintenance Regulations
- Title 31 Fire Regulations
- Title 32 Signs and Related Regulations
- Title 33 Zoning Code
- Other City Titles
Bureau of Planning & Sustainability administers the following City codes related to permitting:
City Administrative Rules
Administrative rules are formally adopted policies, standards, and procedures that clarify the intent of Portland City Codes or outline the implementation details of Portland City Code requirements. All administrative rules are in one central location: Portland Policy Documents. The administrative rules most frequently used in permitting and development are located in the following sections:
- Permitting & Development Administrative Policies & Procedures
- Permitting & Development Fee Schedules
- Assessments & Liens
- Special Inspection Program
- Sewer, Stormwater & Erosion Control
- Right-of-Way & Access
- Natural Resource Protection
- Climate Change
- Demolitions
Building Code Guides
Building Code Guides (BCGs) and Building Official Determinations (BODs) provide answers about the application of building codes and outline optional alternates. BODs are typically smaller in scope and address simpler questions. Code Guides provide a comprehensive alternative to a complicated set of code requirements.
- Commercial Building Code Guides
- Plumbing Code Guides
- Residential Building Code Guides
- Rescinded Code Guides
Building Official Determinations
- BOD 25-02: Seismic Benchmarking
- BOD 25-01: Helical Piles & Push Piers
- BOD 24-02: Demolitions
- BOD 24-01: R-4 Hazard Classification
- BOD 23-01: Tree and Fauna Lighting
- BOD 22-02: Fire Sprinkler Protection of Unprotected Glazed Openings
- BOD 22-01: Day Care Exemption to Fire Sprinklers
- BOD 21-05: Habitable vs. Non-habitable Space in Accessory Structures
- BOD 21-04: Guards at Occupied Roofs
- BOD 21-03: Minimum Dwelling Unit Size
- BOD 21-02: Fire Pump Room Access
- BOD 21-01: Carports Under 200 sf
- BOD 20-01: Congregate Living Facility or Dwelling Unit?
- BOD 19-09: Air Admittance Valves
- BOD 19-08: Dryer Vent Screening
- BOD 19-07: Protection of Smokeproof Enclosure Ventilation Systems
- BOD 19-06: Accessory Kitchens in Single Family Dwellings
- BOD 19-05: Small Assembly Occupancies
- BOD 19-04: Residential Accessory Structure Demolition and Slab Salvage
- BOD 19-03: Permit Requirements for Suspended Wire Electric Security Systems
- BOD 19-02: Calculated Fire Protection of Wood Columns, Beams, and Solid Wood Decking
- BOD 19-01: Supporting Construction for Fire Rated Horizontal Separations
- BOD 17-01: Shared Stormwater Facilities
- BOD 16-02: All-Gender Restrooms
- BOD 16-01: Simplex Pumps
- BOD 15-01: NFPA 13D Sprinklers in Garages
- BOD 13-01: HDPE Sewer Pipe
- BOD 06-02: Private ROW
- BOD 06-01: Parking Garage Headroom
- BOD 02-01: Plaster Ceilings
- BOD 97-01: Separate Electrical Services
- BOD 96-02: Assembly in Pre-1979 Group B Occupancies
- BOD 96-01: Elevated Private Driveways
- BOD 94-01: Shoring Adjacent to Streets
Business Practice Policies
Business Practice Policies are policies related to business operations of Portland Permitting & Development and the Development Services Center at the discretion of the Portland Permitting & Development Director.
Program Guides
Program guides provide information on various complex PP&D programs and processes.
Portland Permitting & Development Director's Interpretations
Transportation Codes & Guides
How to Request a Code Change
- To request a change to the City Codes that Portland Permitting & Development administers and enforces, email us and use “Code Change Recommendation” for the subject.
- You can recommend a regulatory improvement change.