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Report a Code Violation - City Phone Numbers

Phone numbers to call to report a violation or if you received a code violation. Find out who to call for concerns about a commercial business in a residential neighborhood, landslides, construction without permits, noise, trees, bushes, broken down cars and other complaints.
On this page

The City of Portland puts together codes to help keep our city safe. If you need to make a report or if you got a notice about a violation, call the contact listed here to find out about next steps. You can also report violations or check the status of a report online.

Commercial and residential concerns

Description of violationBureauContact
Camping on public property and public right-of-ways. The homelessness toolkit provides information regarding homelessness issues.Homelessness and Urban Camping Impact Reduction Program311
Unlicensed short-term rental Portland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Commercial businesses in a residential zonePortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Exit concerns for commercial businesses (i.e., blocked/locked exit ways, exit signs not working, etc.)Fire Marshal's office(503) 823-3700
Over height (taller than 6 feet) accessory structures in building setbacksPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Pavement placed for parking purposes without the required zoning permitPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Over height fence in front setback (usually fences are required to be 3½ feet in the front setback).Portland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Home businesses with customers or an employee without the required home occupation permitPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Violations of a Land Use Review conditions of approvalPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Overlay zone (E-zones, scenic resource zones, others) violationsPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Plan Districts violationsPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Temporary activities exceeding time or area limits, including garage salesPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Light glare from a commercial site to a residential sitePortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Tree cutting or other vegetation removal in an environmental zonePortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Safety issues such as collapsing buildings or retaining wallsPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Erosion issues on a propertyPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
LandslidesPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Maintenance of a residential structure, i.e., leaking roof, peeling paint, people living in a garage, etc.Portland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line

Ext. Maintenance of non-residential structures, i.e., peeling paint, missing siding, etc.

Derelict Buildings, i.e. boarded, vacant.

Portland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Illegal OccupanciesPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Vacant structure open to entryPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Trash/debris on the exterior of a propertyPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Tall Grass/WeedsPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Basketball hoops on parking stripsStreet Systems, Transportation(503) 823-7002, Option 4
Basketball hoops on telephone polesElectrical Utility CompanyContact PGE or PP & L (whichever is the provider for the area)
Bushes/trees/vegetation encroaching into right of wayPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Broken/unsafe sidewalksMaintenance Operations, Transportation(503) 823-1711
Structures/fences built in right of wayStreet Systems, Transportation(503) 823-7002
Visibility at IntersectionsTraffic Management, Transportation(503) 823-5211

Construction without permit concerns

Description of violationBureauContact
Electrical, plumbing or mechanical work without permitsPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Grading and/ or fill work without permits (in excess of # cu yds)Portland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Residential structural work without permits (i.e. addition to a house, construction of a new garage or accessory structures over 200 sq.ft., fences over seven feet tall, demolition of a house, etc.)Portland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Commercial structural work without permits (i.e. change of occupancy without required permits, addition to structure, structural tenant improvements, etc.)Portland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Illegal units unoccupied. If occupied, then a housing case.Portland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line

Noise concerns

Description of violationBureauContact
Airplane noisePort of Portland(503) 460-4100
Animal Noises - Legal animal facilities, such as kennels, doggie day cars, or stablesPortland Permitting & Development(503) 823-7350
Animal Noises - Other animal noises, such as residential to residential noises or a neighbor's barking dogMultnomah County Animal ServicesAnimal Nuisances (503) 988-7387 (Note: they only accept barking dog complaints online)
Construction activity outside permitted hoursPortland Permitting & Development(503) 823-7350
Garbage hauler complaints, including truck /pick-up noiseBureau of Planning and Sustainability(503) 823-7202
Helicopter noise If the helicopter is from a news agency, contact that agency to file a complaint. Otherwise there is no agency that covers helicopter noise.
Leaf blower noisePortland Permitting & Development(503) 823-7350
Music too loudPortland Permitting & Development(503) 823-7350
Noise (other than music) from establishments that sell liquor)Portland Permitting & Development(503) 823-7350
Loud voicesPossibly covered by the police(503) 823-3333 (police non-emergency) - do not call 911
Other amplified sounds that are too loudPortland Permitting & Development(503) 823-7350
Railroad noiseFederal Railway AdministrationViolation Report

Other types of concerns  

Description of violationBureauContact
CROW (Commercial containers stored on the right-of-wayBureau of Planning and Sustainability(503) 823-7202
Empty garbage/recycling containers left on the curbBureau of Planning and Sustainability(503) 823-7202
Exterior display/storage by a commercial business in a zone that does not allow this activityPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Garbage at bus sheltersTriMet(503) 238-7433 #4 
Garbage dumped in the street that is blocking trafficBureau of Maintenance(503) 823-1700
Garbage dumped that is not blocking trafficPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Graffiti (Online Reporting Form)Bureau of Planning and Sustainability311
Illegal DumpingPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Liquid waste draining into street drainBureau of Environmental Services(503) 823-7180
Sewer and/or rain drain breaksPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Sidewalk obstructionsPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line

Trees and vegetation concerns

Description of violationBureauContact
After hours tree complaints Urban ForestryTree Code Information Line 
Bushes/trees/vegetation encroaching into right-of-wayPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Damage or removal of a tree to be preserved during developmentUrban ForestryTree Code Information Line 
Dead or dying trees on private propertyUrban ForestryTree Code Information Line
Low tree limbs over adjacent street/sidewalk from private property treesPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Low tree limbs over adjacent street/sidewalk from public property treesUrban ForestryTree Code Information Line
Tree cutting or other vegetation removal in an environmental zonePortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Tree removal on private propertyUrban ForestryTree Code Information Line

Vehicle concerns

Description of ViolationBureauContact
Abandoned/disabled vehicles in the right-of-wayAbandoned autos(503) 823-7309
Auto repair in the right-of-way - If being done by an auto repair shopPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Auto repair/service in wrong zones (i.e. auto business in a residential zone)Portland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Illegally parked vehicles in the right-of-wayParking Patrol(503) 823-5195
Oversized trucks parked in residential zonesPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Parking accessory recreational vehicles in the wrong area on a propertyPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Visibly disabled vehicles on private propertyPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Vehicles parked on unpaved areasPortland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Vehicles parked/stored without required screening, landscaping and setbacks (generally commercial properties)Portland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line
Vehicle sales, repair or service business parking, storing, and/or repairing vehicles in the right of way (Title 16)Portland Permitting & DevelopmentProperty Compliance Help Line

If you need help with mediation, contact Resolutions Northwest.

More information about how to file a complaint with code enforcement 

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