Statistics: Cannabis Program by the Numbers

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The Cannabis Program supports Portland communities and businesses in many ways and continues to be a leader on cannabis policy on a national level. Here’s a quick look at some of the ways our program supports local businesses and nonprofit groups working to advance education, entrepreneurship and criminal justice reform. 

SEED Grant Fund (formerly Cannabis Social Equity Grants) 

-2017-18 2018-19 2019-202020-21
Applications submitted 93231123
Applications awarded 36617
Grant Funds $$ awarded $350,000 $631,321 $548,094 1,800,000

Application and Licensing Stats as of Dec. 14, 2023 

(NOTE: Includes applications no longer active) 
Marijuana Retailer 483
Marijuana Retail Courier 32
Marijuana Producer 162
Marijuana Processor 201
Marijuana Wholesaler 213
Medical Dispensary 171
Marijuana Retailer 210
Marijuana Retail Courier 6
Marijuana Producer 56
Marijuana Processor 41
Marijuana Wholesaler 57
Medical Dispensary 0

Application and Licensing Archive: 

Please contact Nicole Taylor at the Cannabis Program to access data from 2016-2018

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