New Online Cannabis Licensing System!

A person sitting at a desk. He is wearing a bright orange turtleneck, and is working on a laptop while taking notes.
The Cannabis Program is excited to offer online licensing through our new online system!

Initially launched in April of 2022, the Civic Portal is the product of multiple years of hard work from the Cannabis Program in identifying, researching, and implementing the best product to increase productivity and user ease of access and convenience.

Create a Civic Portal account!

If you have not yet created an account, you are missing out on the following:

  • Submit online renewals in a more efficient way – 24/7!
  • Create amendments to any record. Such as updated phone numbers, email, primary contact information, or any other license information.
  • Upload documentation directly onto your record.
  • Quickly submit forms, such as a deadline extension request or deferred approval form.
  • Receive instant automatic notifications & reminders for all due dates – never miss another deadline!

Already in the Civic Portal? The portal also provides the ability to:

  • Utilize the ‘Collections’ function, allowing you to group records together of your choosing – especially helpful for managing multiple licenses.
  • Create a ‘Delegate’ on who can access, submit or change records on your behalf.
  • View what workflow step any particular record is in. Which stage it’s in, who approved it, when, and what the next steps are.

To go in line with the new system, the Cannabis Program may use new terminology when discussing system processes with you. Below, you will find a short list of the most commonly used terminology we are adapting with the Civic Portal:

Record = Each process forms a record with the information submitted. For example, each renewal is referenced as separate ‘renewal record.’

Application = The pre-licensed state of any record.

Workflow Step = The step a particular record is in, such as pending payment, in review, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have an existing license already, what do I need to do?

Existing licenses and applications that are not licensed yet will just need to create a new account on the Civic Portal and email Cannabis staff to have their accounts linked. Simple! Everything was transferred from our previous system so reapplying is not necessary.

Will assistance be provided to help navigate this new system?

Yes! We are currently working on guides in both video and text format to explain how to perform any actions you might need to perform. Once completed, the user guides will be reflected on this page. If you would like to schedule an appointment for a one-on-one session, please reach out to Joey at

Why is the Cannabis Program moving to a new system?

As a national leader, the Cannabis Program has invested in a new online system as a much-needed technology upgrade. The system allows our program to provide better regulatory oversight and service to the growing Portland cannabis industry. It also provides improved accessibility, transparency, and equity as support for the industry. 

I think this would work better if…

Have questions, comments, or concerns? Please share them! We actively encourage constructive feedback. Please send any feedback to

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