Find out what to include with a completed permit application
This webpage is a quick list of forms for people who know what they need for a completed application. Search for a project type or permit type to find out what to include with your application to make sure it's complete. For example, "sign permit" or "awning permit." The webpages include step-by-step application instructions and links to apply online (if available).
You can also browse all Commercial Development Permitting and Inspections webpages and all Residential Development Permitting and Inspections webpages.
All signs forms and applications
Search for more applications, brochures, forms and handouts about development projects
You can search for more applications, brochures and other forms by name in Documents. For best results, use more than one word in your search. For example, building permit application.
Learn more about the permitting process and apply online or in person
You can apply online for a permit or drop plans off in person with an appointment. You can also learn more about the permit review process.