For Airbnb hosts having issues with their rental platform after being delisted:
- Do you have a valid permit number listed on the City of Portland’s Short-term Rental Registry?
- Does the permit number listed in your platform’s advertisement exactly match the number on the Registry?
If the answers to both of these questions are yes and your platform is still having issues getting you listed (or re-listed), the Revenue Division’s Transient Lodging Tax team may be able to help. Please contact that team at
Read before you apply for a Type A permit
Be sure to familiarize yourself with the requirements and limitations of an accessory short-term rental before you apply for a permit. This information includes:
- Zoning code requirements for accessory short-term rentals
- What types of buildings can be used for accessory short-term rentals
- What to know about inspections
- Requirements for maintaining working smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors
Accessory short-term rental Type A permit requirements
You need a Type A ASTR permit if you plan to rent one or two bedrooms for up to five overnight guests. This also applies to a multi-dwelling development like a condominium development. Also:
- Everyone doing business in the City of Portland must register as a business with the City of Portland.
- There are some things you should know if the rental is in an old building.
- If you operate an accessory short-term rental without a permit, you may be fined.
- You will need to collect and remit transient lodging taxes to the City of Portland.
Type A accessory short-term rentals with three or more dwelling units
The number of dwelling units in a multi-dwelling structure, triplex, fourplex, or cottage cluster that can have an accessory short-term rental is limited to one unit or 25 percent of the total number of units in the structure or on the site, whichever is greater. We can approve complete permit applications until you reach the maximum number allowed.
General regulations for Type A accessory short-term rentals
- The Accessory Short-Term Rental Permit is valid for two years. Permit renewals require the resident, and operator, if applicable, to agree to continue to abide by the requirements below and document that the Neighborhood Notification requirements have been met again.
- Type A accessory short-term rentals are limited to renting a maximum of two bedrooms to overnight guests. These bedrooms may be located within a house or duplex or in an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) or detached accessory structure.
- The resident of the short-term rental must reside in the dwelling unit where the bedrooms are rented for at least nine months (or 270 days) of each year. During the possible three months (or 95 days) the resident may be away, their home can continue to be used as a short-term rental. A maximum of two bedrooms can be rented in all cases.
- On sites with Additional Dwelling Units (ADUs), the ADU may be used as an accessory short-term rental, or the resident(s) may live in the ADU and rent up to two rooms in the primary house to overnight guests.
- The total number of residents and guests occupying the dwelling unit with a Type A accessory short-term rental may not exceed the number allowed for a household as defined by the Zoning Code: “one or more persons related by blood, marriage, domestic partnership, legal adoption or guardianship, plus not more than 5 additional persons, who live together in one dwelling unit.”
- Services for normal maintenance, repair and care of the residence or site such as yard maintenance or house cleaning are allowed, but there can be no non-resident employees on a site associated with the short-term rental.
- The resident may designate an operator to manage their accessory short-term rental.
- Guests and visitors may be served alcohol and food subject to county and state requirements, but an employee may not be hired to come to the site to prepare/serve food or beverages to guests.
- Commercial meetings such as luncheons, parties, weddings, charitable fundraising, or other gathering for direct or indirect compensation are not allowed.
- A Type B home occupation (home business), which allows either one nonresident employee or up to eight customers per day, is prohibited with a Type A accessory short-term rental. Type A home occupations, where no employees or customers come to the site, are allowed.
- You must maintain a record of transactional data, including the names and home addresses of guests, dates of stay, and numbers of guests. This information must be provided to City officials upon request.
- The accessory short-term rental permit number must be included in all advertising and posted in the dwelling unit. No advertisement can state more than the approved number of bedrooms or guests for a Type A accessory short-term rental. This includes any wording, images or descriptions that indicate a higher capacity available for the approved number of bedrooms or guests allowed.
- Accessory short-term rental businesses must register their business with the City of Portland Revenue Division and collect and remit transient lodging taxes.
- Signs associated with accessory short-term rentals are regulated by the Sign Code, Title 32 of the Portland City Code. Contact Portland Permitting & Development at 503-823-7996 for information on sign regulations.
Additional information about regulations governing Type A ASTRs can be found in Portland City Code Chapter 33.207.
Send out a neighborhood notice letter
This is required as part of the permit application and renewal. A neighborhood notice lets neighbors know about the accessory short-term rental. The notice gives neighbors contact information and explains accessory short-term rental regulations. Fill out and mail or deliver a neighborhood notice letter to neighbors. You'll send the letter to:
- All recognized organizations whose boundaries include the accessory short-term rental, including neighborhood associations and the district coalition;
- the property manager if there is one; and
- the neighboring properties or units per the directions on the application.
The name of your neighborhood association and district coalition office can be found on Portland Maps:
- Type in your property address in the search bar. The name of the neighborhood association should be listed in the property information on the right side of the page.
- Click on the link with the name of the neighborhood association and it should provide the name and address of the neighborhood association. Under the “District” header, it should list the name and address of the district coalition office.
If you have difficulties finding the name and address of your neighborhood association and district coalition office, contact the Office of Community and Civic Life at 503-823-4519.
You will need to include a copy of your neighborhood notification and a list of addresses notified as part of the application process.
Apply for or renew a Type A accessory short-term rental permit
You can apply for and renew your Type A ASTR permit online through Civic Portal.
If you do not already have an account in Civic Portal, please set up a free account before you begin your application.
Civic Portal will walk you through each step of the application process.
Before you start your application, you will need the following information and completed forms:
- The resident’s Oregon driver’s license or state identification number
- Copy of the notice sent to the surrounding neighbors and neighborhood associations (see neighborhood notice section above)
If you already have a Type A ASTR permit and have not yet set up a free account in Civic Portal, please sign up for a free account at the link below (do NOT create a new application) and send us an email message with your user name, property address, and permit number so we can ensure your Civic Portal account is connected to your current permit.
Apply for or renew your Type A ASTR permit in Civic Portal
Application fees are non-refundable. Please read carefully and reach out with questions before submitting an application.
If you would prefer to fill out and submit a paper application form for your Type A ASTR permit, email or call 503-823-2633 and include your mailing address or email address and we will provide you with a paper application form.
If you have any difficulties with Civic Portal or have questions about your Type A permit application, please call us at 503-823-2633 or email
Permit review process
Portland Permitting & Development will review your application. If we approve your application, a permit will be emailed to you. We will contact you if your application is incomplete or if there are questions about your application.
If you have questions, please call 503-823-2633 or email