Non-Binding City Policy
WHEREAS, City Council has adopted prior neighborhood street plans, prepared by the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT), to address connectivity and access in the Cully Neighborhood and the Division-Midway study area in East Portland; and
WHEREAS, City Council accepted the “Up out of the Mud” Street by Street Program Report in November 2012 including new standards for residential streets to allow for more flexible designs and use of the public right-of-way; and
WHEREAS, Stephens Creek Stormwater System Plan, prepared by the Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) in 2013, articulated a strategic approach to address stormwater needs in the Stephens Creek watershed and proposed strengthening relationships with bureau partners to jointly assess system needs and opportunities; and
WHEREAS, the recommended Portland 2035 Comprehensive Plan, which will guide land use development and public facility investment within the City of Portland for the next 20 years, aims to “increase access to complete neighborhoods”, to support nature-friendly infrastructure and to “create regulations that acknowledge that one size does not fit all”; and
WHEREAS, the City of Portland accepted a Transportation and Growth Management (TGM) grant from Oregon Department of Transportation in May 2014 for the Tryon-Stephens Headwaters Neighborhood Street Plan (Tryon-Stephens Plan) project; and
WHEREAS, Tryon-Stephens Plan study area is centered along the Barbur Boulevard Civic Corridor and stretches from the Hillsdale Town Center to the West Portland Town Center and includes the Multnomah Village Neighborhood Center; and
WHEREAS, Metro and its regional partners have initiated the Southwest Corridor Plan to study high capacity transit (“HCT”) from Portland to Tualatin via Tigard with potential stations in the Tryon-Stephens study area near Barbur Boulevard; and
WHEREAS, Tryon-Stephens Plan is a concept-level planning document that sets a framework for further cross-bureau coordination to complete the street and stormwater systems by tailoring street and stormwater improvements based on unique street functions and the natural setting; and
WHEREAS, extensive public involvement including meetings of a Community Working Group (CWG) comprised of a range of community stakeholders, three major public events and outreach to neighborhood and community groups throughout the plan development; and
WHEREAS, PBOT and BES staff served on the Tryon-Stephens project team and coordinated with other relevant city bureaus throughout the plan development.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Portland adopts the Tryon-Stephens Headwaters Neighborhood Street Plan as Non-Binding City Policy attached as Exhibit A; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tryon-Stephens Plan will serve as a guiding strategy for the improvements to the transportation and stormwater systems through both private development and public investments; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Council directs the Portland Bureau of Transportation to incorporate the recommendations of the Tryon-Stephens Plan as a part of the next update of the City’s Transportation System Plan (TSP), including:
- Recommended additions to the planned pedestrian network in the TSP as mapped on page 48 of the plan (Exhibit A),
- Amendments to the SW Master Street Plan in the TSP to add new future connections as mapped on page 52 of the plan (Exhibit A); and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that PBOT and BES staff are directed to engage in activities to implement the improvements and recommendations contained within in the Tryon-Stephens Plan; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council gratefully acknowledges the excellent work and dedication of the members of the Tryon-Stephens Community Working Group and other community members who helped shape the plan through participation in the planning process.
Link to Exhibit A - Tyron-Stephens Neighborhood Street Plan (PDF Document, 76.1 MB)
Resolution No. 37162, adopted by City Council November 4, 2015.