Non-Binding City Policy
WHEREAS, connectivity and access to Outer SE Division and the surrounding area is important by all modes of travel, as more people need and want to walk and bike to destinations in the Division-Midway area and access transit, while others still need or choose to drive; and
WHEREAS, in the recommended Portland 2035 Comprehensive Plan update currently underway, Outer SE Division is identified as a “Civic Corridor” with a Town Center at 122nd Ave; and
WHEREAS, in the Metro Region 2040 Growth Concept Plan, Outer SE Division is designated a “Main Street”; and
WHEREAS, through the Powell-Division Transit and Development Project, Outer SE Division has been identified as part of the preferred route for a future Bus Rapid Transit line between Portland and Gresham. It is currently in the planning phase; and
WHEREAS, the Division-Midway Neighborhood Prosperity Initiative (NPI) is located along SE Division from SE 117th Ave to 148th Ave. The goal of the NPIs is to strengthen the economic competitiveness of neighborhood business districts through community-planned and community-implemented actions and projects; and
WHEREAS, the Division-Midway Neighborhood Street Plan identifies and prioritizes local street and pathway connections to improve transportation connectivity in the study area; and
WHEREAS, the Division-Midway study area, for the purposes of this plan, is in East Portland, centered on SE Division Street and extends from SE 112th to SE 148th avenues and reaches roughly one mile north to SE Stark Street and roughly one mile south to SE Holgate Street; and
WHEREAS, the Division-Midway Neighborhood Street Plan recommendations are intended to address existing infrastructure deficiencies and lack of connectivity in the local street system, including pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure; and
WHEREAS, the Division-Midway Neighborhood Street Plan strives to address and support several action items identified in the East Portland Action Plan (EPAP); and
WHEREAS, this plan prioritizes local street and pathway connection improvements in existing public rights-of-way that would most help achieve local community and broader Citywide goals around safety, equity, healthy and connected complete neighborhoods and access to transit; and
WHEREAS, this plan also recommends new future public connections across existing private property to improve connectivity over time. These connections are typically achieved primarily through redevelopment or the public acquisition of easements or private property; and
WHEREAS, the Outer Powell Boulevard Conceptual Design Plan recommends updating the Far Southeast Master Street Plan to be consistent with the Local Street & Accessway Report prepared as a part of that plan on page 45, though it was not included in the adopting Resolution No. 36931; and
WHEREAS, under Ordinance No. 186081 on June 12, 2013, City Council authorized an agreement to accept a Transportation Growth Management (TGM) grant in the amount of $135,000 from the Oregon Department of Transportation and authorize an Intergovernmental Agreement for the Division-Midway Neighborhood Street Plan; and
WHEREAS, community members throughout the Division-Midway study area contributed to the planning process through an inclusive outreach strategy that included a neighborhood ride, roll and stroll, two open houses, language-based targeted outreach events, a David Douglas High School ESL class and several Project Working Group meetings between October 2013 and August 2014; and
WHEREAS, Portland Bureau of Transportation staff coordinated development of the plan with other relevant city Bureaus; and
WHEREAS, the Division-Midway Project Working Group recommends adoption of the Division-Midway Neighborhood Street Plan.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Portland adopts the Division-Midway Neighborhood Street Plan as Non-Binding City Policy attached as Exhibit A; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Division-Midway Neighborhood Street Plan will serve as a guiding strategy for improvements to transportation system in the study area; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Council directs the Portland Bureau of Transportation to incorporate the recommendations of the Division-Midway Neighborhood Street Plan as a part of the next update of the City’s Transportation System Plan, including:
1. Amendments to several existing TSP major system improvement project descriptions and add new projects as either major projects or smaller projects in the Citywide Programs, to add the Tier 1, 2 and 3 Division-Midway Prioritized Connection Improvements in Existing Right-of-Way, as described on page 19-26 of the plan (Exhibit A).
2. Amendments to the Far Southeast Master Street Plan in the TSP to add all the New Future Public Connections across Existing Private Property identified through the Division-Midway Neighborhood Street Plan, as described on page 27-30 of the plan (Exhibit A) and the Outer Powell Boulevard Conceptual Design Plan Local Street & Accessway Report (2012); and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that staff is directed to engage in activities to implement the improvements and recommendations described in the Division-Midway Neighborhood Street Plan; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council gratefully acknowledges the excellent work and dedication of the members of the Division-Midway Project Working Group and other community members who helped shape the plan through participation in the planning process.
Link to Exhibit A - Division-Midway Neighborhood Street Plan (PDF Document, 34 MB)
Resolution No. 37157, adopted by City Council October 15, 2015.