Non-Binding City Policy
WHEREAS, the Metro Council identified the Southwest Corridor as the region’s top priority for consideration for a high capacity transit investment based on the 2009 Regional High Capacity Transit System Plan (as approved by JPACT and MPAC); the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) awarded the region a $2 million grant to conduct an integrated approach to collaborative planning with community aspirations guiding potential investments in transit; and four cities in the Southwest Corridor were awarded competitive grant funds to develop community based land use visions to leverage a potential transit investment; and
WHEREAS, the City of Portland’s Transportation System Plan calls for a Barbur/Interstate 5 Refinement Plan to identify needed improvements for motor vehicles, trucks, bicycles, pedestrians and high-capacity transit travel in the corridor; and
WHEREAS, the Southwest Corridor Plan Steering Committee (including representatives from the cities of Beaverton, Durham, King City, Lake Oswego, Portland, Sherwood, Tigard, and Tualatin; the counties of Multnomah and Washington; and Tri-Met, ODOT and Metro) adopted a charter, in December 2011, agreeing to use a collaborative approach to develop the Southwest Corridor Plan and the Southwest Corridor Implementation Strategy, to align local, regional, and state policies and investments to create great places in December 2011; and
WHEREAS, the charter signatories acknowledge that the Six Outcomes and Characteristics of a Successful Region guide the creation of the Southwest Corridor Plan, the Southwest Corridor Implementation Strategy, and inform the entire planning process; and
WHEREAS, the charter stated that the Southwest Corridor Plan and Shared Investment Strategy should be endorsed by the Southwest Corridor Steering Committee, and is intended to be adopted and implemented by the appropriate agencies and jurisdictions; and
WHEREAS, the Southwest Corridor Plan Steering Committee adopted the vision, goals and objectives in May 2012, defining that the vision for the Southwest Corridor Plan is to support, strengthen and connect livable and prosperous places along the corridor to address current needs and anticipated future growth; and
WHEREAS, the Barbur Concept Plan community working group included representation from southwest residents, institutions, neighborhoods, and businesses and held 14 meetings and 3 community forums to guide the creation of a plan and serve as a model for subsequent phases; and
WHEREAS, the Barbur Concept Plan adopted by Council on April 24 2013 by Resolution No. 37014 created a corridor wide vision and goal to achieve community aspirations for the corridor to guide future investments in a high capacity transit system with supporting active transportation, roadway and green infrastructure projects; and
WHEREAS, the Southwest Corridor Plan recommends policies and projects aimed at supporting development within the seven catalytic focus areas identified in the Barbur Concept Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Southwest Corridor Plan project partners have held a number of public events to support and guide the Southwest Corridor Plan and Shared Investment Strategy; and
WHEREAS, the Southwest Corridor Plan and Shared Investment Strategy was adopted unanimously by the Steering Committee, with Mayor Hales representing the City of Portland, on July 22, 2013 and contains recommendations to carry into further refinement and study of public investments to support the corridor land use vision, including high capacity transit alternatives for the corridor.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Portland endorses the Southwest Corridor Plan and Shared Investment Strategy as Non-Binding City Policy attached as Exhibit A.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Council directs staff to participate in on-going Southwest Corridor Plan efforts, including refinement and analysis of high capacity transit alternatives and local connections, along with associated roadway, active transportation and parks and natural resource projects that supports the land use vision for potential further study and pursuit of federal funds; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Council directs staff to pursue near-term critical safety improvements, active transportation access to jobs, retail and transit, and projects that leverage prior investments or partnership opportunities; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Council directs the Commissioner-in-Charge of Transportation and city staff to work with Metro to finalize a public involvement plan to advise the SW Corridor Plan HCT Refinement Phase, including a Community Working Group to address Southwest Portland issues, refine projects and identify implementation priorities; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Council directs staff to use the Southwest Corridor Plan and Shared Investment Strategy to inform the next update of the City’s Transportation System Plan and other local plans, policies and implementation strategies; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Council directs staff to participate in the Southwest Service Enhancement Plan to identify nearer-term transit service improvements; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Council directs staff to use the Barbur Concept Plan land use vision, including the seven designated focus areas and adopted neighborhood plans, and other adopted local plans to inform the refinement and evaluation of HCT alternatives and transportation projects; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , the Council directs staff to evaluate the land use impacts and transportation system needs associated with the various options for high capacity transit on the areas of Marquam Hill, Hillsdale Town and Portland Community College; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Council directs staff to work with Metro to analyze and recommend a set of HCT supportive projects that yield the best overall performance for improving safety for pedestrians and people on bicycles, increasing use of active transportation, reducing vehicle miles traveled and greenhouse gas emissions, and minimizing traffic impacts on neighborhood streets; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Council directs staff to coordinate across bureaus to build upon the City’s regulatory tools, affordable housing and gentrification policies, and to continue refining the environmental and green infrastructure projects, including parks, trails, natural area and water quality improvements, identified in the Shared Investment Strategy; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Council directs staff to pursue funding options in coordination with Metro, the Oregon Department of Transportation, TriMet and project partner jurisdictions for implementation and planning to support the Southwest Corridor Plan and Shared Investment Strategy.
Exhibit A
Exhibit - Part 1 of 2 (PDF Document, 7 MB)
Exhibit - Part 2 of 2 (PDF Document, 1 MB)
Attachment A (PDF Document, 9 MB)
Attachment B (PDF Document, 1 MB)
Resolution No. 37038, adopted by City Council October 9, 2013.