Non-Binding City Policies (NCP)
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Non-binding City Policy
WHEREAS, in March 1988, the City Council adopted the Central City Plan to guide the growth and livability of the Central City area. Policy 4, Transportation of the Central City Plan called for an improvement in the Central City’s accessibility to the rest of the region and its ability to accommodate growth while maintaining livability; and
WHEREAS, in September 1990, the Portland City Council adopted Resolution 34771 which established a process for developing a Central City Transportation Management Plan (CCTMP). The Plan was developed n several phases with a structure of public and private sector involvement on all levels of planning effort; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the CCTMP is to maintain air quality, promote economic development, support an efficient transportation system, and encourage the use of alternative modes of travel; and
WHEREAS, the City of Portland adopted its Comprehensive Plan on October 16, 1980 (effective date January 1, 1981). The Plan was acknowledged as being in conformance with Statewide Goals for Land Use Planning. The Plan complied with State Goal 12. The Land Conservation and Development Commission’s Administrative Rule for Goal 12 (660-12), adopted April 1991, subsequently imposed additional requirements on local jurisdictions to achieve compliance with Goal 12; and
WHEREAS, the CCTMP updates the Transportation Goal and Policies to comply with State Goal 12 and the Transportation Planning Rule and replaces the Downtown Parking and Circulation Policy; and
WHEREAS, there are some elements that require further work;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Portland, that the following portions of the Planning Commission Recommendation on the Central City Transportation Management Plan and Policy are adopted:
a. The Action Items
b. The District Strategies
c. The explanations following the policies and objectivies; and
d. The Glossary
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission Recommendation on the Central City Transportation Management Plan Administration Section (PPD Document NCP-TRN-7.04 ) is adopted.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the staff of the Office of Transportation and the Bureau of Planning are directed to do the following:
a. Conduct a study to evaluate parking for facilities that have frequent, large events. The evaluation will include aspects of congestion and demand management, considering the CCTMP policies and implementation strategies. The study should be completed no later than 6 months after the effective date of the CCTMP.
b. Continue the current interpretation of accessory parking regulations, which allows "event" parking to continue. This interpretation will continue until the issue is resolved by City Council taking final action on the study directed in a, above.
c. Participate in development of the DEQ CO/Ozone State Implementation Plans (SIPs). After development of the two SIPs, staff is to evaluate the next steps for adopting rations for the balance of the Central City plan district.
d. Work with Portland State University to develop a University District Strategy as described in the Memorandum of Understanding attached as Exhibit D.
Filed for inclusion in PPD October 27, 2003 by Portland Office of Transportation.
Resolution No. 35472 adopted by City Council December 6, 1995.