Administrative Rule Adopted by Bureau of Transportation System Management
1. As authorized by Code Section 16.20.550, the City Traffic Engineer may require a traffic control plan to be implemented as a condition of any permit involving impeding or obstructing a travel lane.
General Rules
2. In situations such as, but not limited to, construction, utility work, angle vehicle loading/unloading, it may be necessary for the City Traffic Engineer to provide a Traffic Control Plan for the protection of the traveling public, pedestrians, officers, firepersons, and workers at the scene.
3. An applicant for a permit that closes or obstructs a lane of traffic must present to the City Traffic Engineer a full description and diagram of the physical aspects of the closure/obstruction for revision and approval by the Traffic Engineer and/or the District Field Representative.
4. The Traffic Control Plan will be reasonably specific for moving traffic through or around the closure/obstruction.
5. The plan should include, but not be limited to, such items as signing; application and removal of pavement markings; construction; scheduling; methods and devices for delineation and channelization; placement and maintenance of devices; roadway lighting; traffic regulations; and surveillance and inspection.
6. The City Traffic Engineer will review the proposed Traffic Control Plan and approve a plan that meets the standards presented in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (U.S. Department of Transportation), and any State or local regulations that may apply.
7. Fees appropriate to specific permit that may be required.
8. Permits may be denied or subject to revocation if the Traffic Control Plan is not approved or is not adhered to after initiation.
9. Activities under this rule are subject to enforcement under the Right-of-Way Use Enforcement Program administrative rules (TRN-8.14). These rules establish PBOT’s decision-making criteria for assessing violations and penalties. Recipients of an enforcement action may appeal the issued violation and associated penalties.
Action By | Action | |
Applicant | 1. Presents proposed Traffic Control Plan to City Traffic Engineer. | |
District Traffic Engineer/ Authorize City Representative | 2. Review proposed plan. | |
3. Inform applicant of necessary changes or modifications. | ||
4. Applicant revises plan accordingly and resubmits for final review. | ||
5. Approve/disapprove plan. | ||
6. May monitor location for possible violations. | ||
7. Review plan with applicant and make corrections to mitigate violations. | ||
8. If violations continue, revoke permit. |
Amended by Development Permitting & Transit Group Manager June 5, 2018.
Filed for inclusion in PPD June 1, 2004.