Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
Policy category
Policy number
Administrative Rule Adopted by Bureau of Transportation System Management
At initial contact by requestor, communicate the following information and complete the form shown on page 2:
1. Explain there is a charge for providing this information, based on the number of locations being requested. Explain this charge was approved by City Council on July 20, 1994, and took effect on August 19, 1994. This charge applies to all requestors (other bureaus, other programs within the bureau, other government agencies, etc.).
2. Explain that the same information is available from the State, but they do not currently charge for this service. The information can be obtained at the following location, or by calling the phone number:
Oregon Department of Transportation
Accident Data Unit
2001 Front
Salem, OR 97301
3. Describe the cost per request (per phone call, visit, etc.):
- 1 to 5 locations = $30 total
- 6 to 25 locations = $80 total
- 26 or more locations = $80 plus $1.50 per location
4. If requestor agrees to provide payment, ask them to mail their check (written out to the City of Portland), to your attention. When check is received, process the information and mail the information to requestor. Forward the check to PDOT Accounting (Attn: Diem/702) with a note asking that it be deposited to centercode 15911228, project number 1796. Use Accident Location Request Form to document each transaction; keep file of all requests completed.
5. Fill out your Time and Attendance Report (TAAR) with the time it took you to process this information; use centercode 15911228, project number 1796 to track this time on your TAAR.
Filed for inclusion in PPD June 1, 2004.