Non-Binding City Policy
WHEREAS, SE Foster Road is an important corridor serving many modes of transportation and linking neighborhoods and business districts in southeast Portland; and
WHEREAS, on July 9, 2003, by Resolution No. 36158, the City Council adopted the Foster Road Transportation and Streetscape Plan, which identified locations for future safety, transit, and streetscape improvements on SE Foster Road west of SE 89th Avenue; and
WHEREAS, in the ensuing decade, crossing improvements including median islands, crosswalks, curb ramps, and rectangular rapid flashing beacons have been installed at several locations along SE Foster Road pursuant to the recommendations of the 2003 plan; and
WHEREAS, on September 9, 2009, by Resolution No. 36732, the City Council adopted the Portland Streetcar System Concept Plan, which identified a potential future streetcar alignment on SE Foster Road; and
WHEREAS, on February 11, 2010, by Resolution No. 36763, the City Council adopted the Portland Bicycle Plan for 2030, which recommended a separated-in-roadway bicycle facility on SE Foster Road; and
WHEREAS, an unacceptably high concentration of crashes continue to occur on SE Foster Road. In February 2012, the Bureau of Transportation completed the SE Foster Road High Crash Corridor Safety Plan, which built upon the recommendations from the original 2003 Plan and included non-engineering solutions such as increased enforcement of traffic laws and targeted education and outreach efforts; and
WHEREAS, the Bureau of Transportation received a total of $3.25 million for safety and streetscape improvements on SE Foster Road in the 2014-2016 and 2016-2018 Regional Flexible Fund allocations; and
WHEREAS the Portland Development Commission has committed $2 million for safety and streetscape improvements on SE Foster Road from the Lents Town Center Urban Renewal Area, bringing the total available construction funding to $5.25 million; and
WHEREAS, the Foster Road Transportation and Streetscape Plan will contribute to the goals of the Portland Plan in advancing sustainable communities and the increased use of walking, cycling, carpooling and using transit to travel within the corridor; and
WHEREAS, the Foster Road Transportation and Streetscape Plan was developed by the City of Portland Bureau of Transportation in cooperation with other City bureaus, TriMet, Oregon Department of Transportation, and with participation from property owners, business persons and other interested citizens; and
WHEREAS, the Foster Road Transportation and Streetscape Plan is recommended for adoption by the project’s Stakeholder Advisory Committee; and
WHEREAS, extensive public involvement has included twelve Stakeholder Advisory Committee meetings, five open houses, and involvement of neighborhood and community associations; and
WHEREAS, the Foster Road Transportation and Streetscape Plan outlines a list of long-term and short-term transportation projects to enhance safety and multi-modal access along the corridor; and
WHEREAS, the Foster Road Transportation and Streetscape Plan prioritizes the projects to help city staff and stakeholders focus their efforts effectively.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Portland adopts the recommendations of the Foster Road Transportation and Streetscape Plan as Non-Binding City Policy attached as Exhibit A; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Foster Road Transportation and Streetscape Plan will guide the development of transportation infrastructure on SE Foster Road; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council directs city staff to continue to work with district stakeholders to guide the development of projects in the Foster Road Transportation and Streetscape Plan; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council directs city staff to update the Transportation System Plan to include the projects, street classifications, and priorities of the Foster Road Transportation and Streetscape Plan; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council directs city staff to make implementation of the projects a high priority and to collaborate with district stakeholders to implement the projects; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council gratefully acknowledges both the excellent work and dedication of the Stakeholder Advisory Committee and other community members who helped update the plan by participating in the planning process.
Link to Exhibit A and related documents.
Resolution No. 37079, adopted by City Council June 11, 2014.