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TRN-1.19 - SE Water Avenue Relocation Memorandum of Understanding and Conceptual Funding Plan

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Non-Binding City Policy


WHEREAS, the Portland to Milwaukie Light Rail (PMLRT) Project design process recommended a new alignment for a crossing of the Willamette River and established a station on the eastside on the SE Sherman alignment to serve the central east side; and

WHEREAS, SE Water Avenue was temporarily relocated to accommodate the Bureau of Environmental Services' (BES) Big Pipe project, this temporary alignment has become the preferred alignment; and

WHEREAS, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) Master plan proposed the relocation of SE Water Avenue to connect with SE 4th to support the PMLRT Project, the Portland Streetcar Loop project and the future development of the OMSI District; and

WHEREAS, OMSI supports the relocation of SE Water Avenue as it would restore OMSI property access, minimize vehicle conflict with existing and future development, relocate the Portland General Electric (PGE) transmission line, and provide flexibility in the future use of "old" Water Avenue as a pedestrian and bicycle friendly plaza with limited vehicle use; and

WHEREAS, Portland Opera supports the relocation of SE Water Avenue as it would remove motor vehicle traffic between two parcels owned by Portland Opera, minimize vehicle conflict with existing development, relocate the PGE line, and provide flexibility in the future use of "old" Water Avenue as a pedestrian and bicycle friendly plaza with limited vehicle use; and

WHEREAS, Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) supports the relocation of SE Water Avenue as it would improve district circulation, create a more direct connection to SE 4th Avenue, create the possibility for an improved pedestrian corridor to access the new bridge, and support the eastside and "Close the Loop" streetcar projects while eliminating interaction between streetcar and through-district freight activities, and improve functionality of traffic and train signal operations at the intersection of "old" Water Avenue and the light rail transitway; and

WHEREAS, TriMet supports the relocation of SE Water Avenue as it would support PMLRT project design and station access, support TriMet's efforts to relocate the Oregon Rail Heritage Foundation facility, provide construction staging and site access flexibility, minimize contractor interference during PMLRT construction, support future redevelopment around the light rail station, and improve functionality of traffic and train signal operations at the intersection of "old" Water Avenue and the light rail transitway; and

WHEREAS, Portland Development Commission (PDC) supports the relocation of SE Water Avenue as it would support redevelopment of OMSI and Portland Opera and adjacent properties within the Central Eastside Urban Renewal Area, and provide flexibility in the future use of "old" Water Avenue as a pedestrian and bicycle friendly plaza connecting people to the river; and

WHEREAS, BES supports the relocation of SE Water Avenue as the project relieves BES of the requirement to remove the temporary roadway and BES also agrees to allow as is possible the installation of both the Portland Streetcar work and the TriMet Light Rail bridge approach in the area and during the term currently used by BES to construct the East Side CSO (ESCSO) Tunnel Project; and

WHEREAS, area property owners support the relocation of SE Water Avenue as it improves district freight circulation and commercial activity in the district; and provide flexibility in the future use of "old" Water Avenue as a pedestrian and bicycle friendly plaza; and

WHEREAS, Water Avenue will be relocated and rebuilt as a complete street with bike lanes, sidewalks, stormwater management and street trees; the new SE Water Avenue will offer safe connections and improve travel times for bikes, pedestrians and vehicles;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts the Memorandum of Understanding for the Design and Construction of Relocated SE Water Avenue attached as Exhibit A as Non-Binding City Policy; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts the new alignment of SE Water Avenue as depicted in Exhibit B; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that City Council directs City staff to pursue finalizing funding contributions with interested parties substantially similar to the Conceptual Funding Plan attached as Exhibit C by July 1, 2012; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that City Council directs the Bureau of Transportation to amend the Transportation System Plan (TSP) to add the relocation of Water Avenue as a TSP project and relocate TSP Policy Classifications of SE Water Avenue to the new alignment; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that City Council directs the Bureau of Transportation to work with partner agencies and area property owners to evaluate the circulation and connectivity needs for the OMSI district including the desired character, width and extent of "old" Water Avenue; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that City Council directs the Bureau of Transportation and Bureau of Parks and Recreation to work with area property owners develop a strategy to complete greenway trail and trail connections through the area.


Resolution No. 36841, adopted by City Council January 26, 2011.

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