Non-Binding City Policy
WHEREAS, the Division Green Street / Main Street Plan was adopted by City Council in 2006 and identified goals, objectives, and implementation strategies to enhance the livability of the Division Street community and expected to serve as a guide for future public investment in the plan area;
WHEREAS, the Division Street community and Bureau of Transportation initiated the Division Streetscape and Street Reconstruction Project in 2009 to move forward with the transportation goals identified in the 2006 Division Green Street / Main Street Plan;
WHEREAS, the Division Streetscape and Street Reconstruction Project's Citizen Advisory Committee agreed to move forward with the goals to:
- support a healthy local economy through street improvements that create friendly pedestrian environments, bike access, and preserve parking where needed
- promote a clean and green environment by adding street trees, stormwater management facilities, and designing street improvements that promote safe and efficient alternative modes of travel
- create a sense of place and forge a unique identity that unites the Division corridor through streetscape improvements and public art; and
WHEREAS, the public involvement and outreach activities during the design development phase included consultation with citizen and technical advisory groups, strategy meetings with the project steering committee, community open houses, design workshop, multiple business outreach meetings, and attendance at community events and festivals. Public notifications of these events and the project included neighborhood mailings, newspaper/newsletter articles, and posting of fliers/project materials in businesses throughout the corridor. Staff also attended numerous neighborhood, business association, and individual property owner meetings during the design development phase;
WHEREAS, the Division Streetscape and Street Reconstruction Project has identified locations for future improvements for safe pedestrians crossings, enhanced transit stops and access, improved vehicle operations, better bicycle access, improved visual character in the form of street trees, public art, and other streetscape elements; and
WHEREAS, the Division Streetscape and Street Reconstruction Project is recommended for adoption by the project's Citizen Advisory Committee;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Portland recommends adoption of the Division Streetscape and Street Reconstruction Project Report and Conceptual Design as Non-Binding City Policy attached as Exhibit A; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the staff is directed to engage in activities aimed at implementing the improvements described in the Division Streetscape and Street Reconstruction Concept Plan; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council gratefully acknowledges the excellent work and dedication of the members of the Division Streetscape and Street Reconstruction Project's Citizen Advisory Committee and other community members who helped shape the plan by participating in the planning process.
Link to Exhibit A - Part 1 - Division Streetscape and Street Reconstruction Project Report (PDF Document, 30 MB)
Link to Exhibit A - Part 2 - Division Streetscape and Street Reconstruction Project Report (PDF Document, 30 MB)
Resolution No. 36797, adopted by City Council June 23, 2010.