Non-Binding City Policy
WHEREAS, in 1999 the adopted South Willamette River Crossing Study established regional policy which reinforces the main street land use objectives of Tacoma Street and directs that improvements to the Sellwood Bridge and Tacoma Street support these land use policy objectives; and
WHEREAS, the South Willamette River Crossing Study also directs that regional travel demand that currently uses the Sellwood Bridge and Tacoma Street to be accommodated through improvements to the regional transportation system that surrounds the Sellwood Bridge and Tacoma Street; and
WHEREAS, Council adopted via Resolution No. 36052 the Tacoma Main Street Plan on January 23, 2002, which called for a redesign of Tacoma to serve as a main street to support neighborhood oriented commercial and residential development, improve the pedestrian environment and protect neighborhood livability; and
WHEREAS, the Sellwood Bridge rehabilitation or replacement is a project identified in the Regional Transportation Plan and the City’s Transportation System Plan (#70050); and
WHEREAS, in June 2006, Multnomah County began environmental studies to identify and evaluate bridge rehabilitation or replacement alternatives and set up a decision-making process that included public participation and review; and
WHEREAS, the Sellwood Bridge project’s Citizen Task Force (CTF), comprised of citizens and representatives from the corridor, met numerous times during the preparation of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) and reviewed public testimony to formulate a Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) recommendation; and
WHEREAS, the project’s Public Advisory Group (PAG) has adopted an LPA that best meets the project’s Purpose and Need and closely resembles the CTF’s recommendation;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Portland adopts the PAG’s Sellwood Bridge Project Locally Preferred Alternative (Exhibit A) as Non-Binding City Policy; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council instructs City bureaus to work collaboratively with Multnomah County on issues identified in Exhibit B; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council instructs City bureaus to work collaboratively with Multnomah County in the design of the future bridge, and that said design shall be reported back to Design Commission and the Council.
Resolution No. 36692, adopted by City Council March 19, 2009.