TRN-1.14 - Downtown Kenton Denver Avenue Streetscape Plan

Non-Binding City Policies (NCP)
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Non-Binding City Policy



WHEREAS, in N. Denver Avenue is identified in the Kenton Downtown Plan and the Kenton Neighborhood Plan as a key commercial corridor containing neighborhood services and destinations. N. Denver Avenuehas been identified asan important commercial and residential corridor serving North and Northeast Portland; it is also a transit and pedestrian route connecting to the Interstate MAX light rail line, which opened in May 2004; and

WHEREAS, work on the final stage of the streetscape concept development began in the fall of 2006 with a Citizen's Advisory Committee (CAC) to refine the current design to gain community consensus, and produce a practical solution which could be implemented in the following years; and 

WHEREAS, extensive public involvement has included working with the Citizen Advisory Committee, three well-attended public Open Houses, one-on-one site visits with affected businesses and property owners, and communications with both the neighborhood and business associations; and

WHEREAS, the CAC recommended streetscape design includes sidewalk improvements and curb extensions, street trees, storm water treatment, ornamental streetlights, pedestrian crossings, improved bus stops, and a northern gateway, all based upon the project goals and criteria developed in December 2006; and

WHEREAS; the Interstate Corridor Urban Renewal Advisory Committee has recommended approval of the Downtown Kenton Denver Avenue Streetscape Plan and expressed support for funding construction of the N. Denver Avenue streetscape improvements; and

WHEREAS, N. Denver Avenue Street Improvements Project will contribute to the revitalization in the area by improving the quality of the street for local businesses and residents, and by strengthening the connection between Denver Ave, the Interstate MAX light rail line and the surrounding community; and

WHEREAS, the Downtown Kenton Denver Avenue Streetscape Plan will provide guidelines for future development along N. Denver Avenue in Downtown Kenton;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Portland City Council accepts the recommendations of the Downtown Kenton Denver Avenue Streetscape Plan as Non-Binding City Policy attached as Exhibit A; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the guidelines in the plan will guide future development on N. Denver Avenue in Downtown Kenton.


Resolution No. 36580, adopted by City Council February 27, 2008.

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