Non-Binding City Policy
WHEREAS, Powell Boulevard is an important corridor serving many modes of transportation and a major route linking southeast Portland with the Central City; and
WHEREAS, US Highway No. 26 is routed on Powell Boulevard and there is a jurisdictional agreement with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT); and
WHEREAS, following strong community opposition, plans for the Mt. Hood Freeway were withdrawn in 1976 and replaced by an alternative approach to handling east-west regional through traffic in the east metropolitan area; and
WHEREAS, the Powell Boulevard Project Phase I and Phase II were built in the late 1970's intended to improve the efficiency and safety of Powell Blvd in a way that preserved neighborhood quality. The projects were built with funding originally intended for the Mt. Hood freeway in coordination with other key transportation projects in east Portland, including the I-205 Freeway and Banfield Light Rail; and
WHEREAS, during the 2004-2006 ODOT Powell Preservation Project Phase I, the community requested more improvements be made along Powell Blvd to increase pedestrian and bicycle safety, address the barrier Powell Blvd creates between neighborhoods, and enhance the aesthetic environment through a streetscape plan; and
WHEREAS, Powell Boulevard is designated a District Highway in the Oregon Highway Plan; and
WHEREAS, Powell Boulevard is designated a Major City Traffic Street, Major City Transit Priority Street from the Ross Island Bridge to SE 50th Ave, Transit Access Street east of SE 50th Ave, City Bikeway from the Bridge to 9th Ave and east of 72nd Ave, City Walkway, Major Truck Street, Major Emergency Response Route and Regional Corridor in the Portland Transportation System Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Inner Powell/Ross Island Bridgehead Access and Circulation Study in the Portland Transportation System Plan calls for a streetscape plan between the bridge and SE 50th Ave; and
WHEREAS, the Portland Transportation System Plan includes Project #70045 SE Powell (Ross Island Bridge - 50th) Multi-modal Improvements, to plan and develop streetscape and transportation improvements to increase opportunities to walk and enhance the pedestrian character of the corridor including intersection improvements; and
WHEREAS, under Ordinance No. 180359 on August 2, 2006, City Council authorized an agreement with the Oregon Department of Transportation to accept a federal Transportation and Growth Management grant to develop a streetscape plan for Inner SE Powell Blvd - US 26, from the Ross Island to I-205; and
WHEREAS, community members throughout the corridor contributed to the planning process through a community workshop, a series of neighborhood walks, three open houses, and monthly Citizen Working Group meetings between September 2006 and August 2007; and
WHEREAS, the Inner Powell Boulevard Streetscape Plan identifies improvements that will allow SE Powell Boulevard to continue serving vehicle traffic movement while also improving the safety, accessibility and the aesthetic environment for pedestrians, cyclists and transit riders; and
WHEREAS, Portland Office of Transportation staff coordinated development of the streetscape plan with ODOT, TriMet and other city Bureaus through a Technical Advisory Group; and
WHEREAS, the Powell Citizen Working Group and Technical Advisory Group recommends adoption of the Inner Powell Boulevard Streetscape Plan; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Portland adopts the Inner Powell Boulevard Streetscape Plan as Non-Binding City Policy attached as Exhibit A; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that staff is directed to engage in activities to implement the improvements described in the Inner Powell Boulevard Streetscape Plan; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council directs the Portland Office of Transportation to amend the Portland Transportation System Plan to include the Inner Powell Boulevard Streetscape as a system improvement project or multiple projects as deemed appropriate by staff; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council gratefully acknowledges the excellent work and dedication of the members of the Powell Citizen Working Group and other community members who helped shape the plan through participation in the planning process.
Resolution No. 36564, adopted by City Council January 2, 2008.