Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

TRN-1.10 - Design Guide for Public Street Improvements

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
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Administrative Rule Adopted by Bureau of Transportation Engineering & Development Pursuant to Rule-Making Authority
The Bureau of Transportation Engineering and Development (BTED) has developed this Design Guide for Public Street Improvements to help the consulting engineer (Design Engineer) prepare construction drawings for public street improvements in the City of Portland.
The Design Guide provides guidelines for producing construction drawings that include adequate design information, conform to City requirements, and have a uniform format. Use of the guide is expected to improve communications between the Design Engineer and the City concerning the plan review process and the required technical details. Construction drawings developed in accordance with the Design Guide will require fewer "redline" corrections and reduce plan review time by the City. This in turn should help minimize engineering and plan review costs for the Design Engineer and the developer.
The Design Guide contains the following sections in addition to this Introduction:
  • Section 2: Roles and Responsibilities, identifies the various participants involved in the plan review process for public street improvements.
  • Section 3: Initiation of Public Street Improvement Projects, summarizes how public street improvement projects originate. This is not intended as a comprehensive description of the public improvement process. That information can be found in the City of Portland Development Manual. (See References section.) The Development Manual also provides information about sewer and water main improvement projects, which follow a similar but separate process from street improvement projects. (This Design Guide contains guidelines for only those portions of the stormwater drainage and water supply system that must be included in the street improvement construction drawings.)
  • Section 4: Plan Review Process, describes the plan review process, including all work tasks that are necessary to convert conceptual street improvement plans into detailed engineering construction drawings.
  • Section 5: Traffic Design Criteria, provides criteria related to traffic operations. These criteria affect many aspects of the project design.
  • Section 6: Street Design Criteria, identifies the format and technical details that must be provided in construction plans. The City considers it important to follow these design criteria to ensure that the public streets will safely serve their intended purpose and will be economical to maintain. The criteria do not, however, represent a complete reference on any specific topic; the Design Engineer must refer to other sources (see References section) and exercise professional judgment in designing the project. The criteria are not intended to restrict the Design Engineer's creativity. The Design Engineer may produce plans that reflect unique circumstances or design solutions, as long as they represent sound engineering design and satisfy the standards of the City.
  • Section 7: Construction Cost Estimates, discusses the requirements for preparing preliminary and final construction cost estimates.
  • The Glossary defines selected terms that are contained in the Design Guide and commonly used in the Design Engineer's work.
  • The References section identifies other reference sources that may be useful to the Design Engineer.

Filed for inclusion in PPD April 7, 2004.

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