Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
Policy category
Policy number
Administrative Rule Adopted by Bureau of Transportation Engineering and Bureau of Fire & Rescue Pursuant to Rule-Making Authority
Both the Bureau of Transportation and the Bureau of Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services have an interest in street grades. Separate policies have been developed reflecting the differing interest of each Bureau. The result is that street grades of up to 22% for local service streets have been allowed by the Bureau of Transportation while the Fire Bureau desired a limit on the maximum allowable grade of 15%. In the interest of coordinating public policy this joint policy is established to specify a single maximum grade.
This policy applies to public and private streets and fire access roads except public streets platted before the acceptance of this policy by both Bureaus. When improving streets previously platted, reasonable efforts should be made to comply with this policy. When compliance is not practical, a design that minimizes the final grade is acceptable.
Grades for newly-platted Local Service Streets, whether public or private, and for Fire Access Roads shall not exceed 18%. Where designs limited the grade to 18% are impractical, maximum grades up to 22% will be approved when the Fire Chief finds conditions offered by the developer will reduce risks associated with potential delayed response.
The two Bureaus will consult with each other on all newly-platted public street design proposals exceeding 18%. The Fire Bureau will utilize the Fire Code Board of Appeals process established in City Regulations, Title 31 to review and approve or reject proposals which exceed 18%. The City Engineer will evaluate engineering criteria to determine the need for grades exceeding 18%.
Filed for inclusion in PPD December 4, 2003 by Bureau of Transportation Engineering and Development.
Original document signed December 8, 1995 by Robert Wall (Fire Chief), Victor F. Rhodes (City Engineer) and Margaret Mahoney (Director Bureau of Buildings).