TRN-1.03 - Killingsworth Street Improvements Planning Project Final Report

Non-Binding City Policies (NCP)
Policy category
Policy number
Non-Binding City Policy

WHEREAS, Killingsworth Street is identified in the Albina Community Plan and Humboldt Neighborhood Plan as a key commercial corridor containing neighborhood services and destinations; and
WHEREAS, Killingsworth Street is designated a Main Street and Station Community in the Metro 2040 Plan and a Community Main Street in the Transportation System Plan; and
WHEREAS, residents, business owners and area institutions are working with the Bureau of Housing and Community Development, Portland Development Commission and the Portland Office of Transportation to transform a cycle of dis-investment on Killingsworth Street into a revitalized community Mainstreet; and
WHEREAS, Killingsworth Street is an important commercial and residential corridor serving North and Northeast Portland, and a transit and pedestrian route connecting to the new Interstate Max light rail; and
WHEREAS, through Ordinance #176483 the Council authorized the application for a Transportation and Growth Management (TGM) Grant for this and other TGM projects; and
WHEREAS, the Killingsworth Street Improvements Planning Project creates a streetscape concept plan and new streetlight standards and design guidelines for Killingsworth Street between North Interstate Avenue and Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard; and
WHEREAS, the Killingsworth Street Improvements Planning Project creates a public investment strategy for the street in order to improve the quality of the street for local businesses and residents and help strengthen the connection between Killingsworth Street, the Interstate MAX light rail, the surrounding community, and major destinations such as Portland Community College Cascade Campus; and
WHEREAS, the plan identifies the type and location of street improvements including trees, sidewalk improvements and curb extensions, ornamental streetlights, pedestrian crossings, and enhanced transit stops; and
WHEREAS, more than 1000 community members contributed to this highly participatory planning process and the Killingsworth Community Advisory Committee recommends the adoption the Killingsworth Street Improvements Planning Project Final Report;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Portland adopts the Killingsworth Street Improvements Planning Project Final Reportas Non-Binding City Policy attached as Exhibit A; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that staff is directed to engage in activities aimed at implementing the improvements described in the Killingsworth Street Improvements Planning Project Final Report; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council gratefully acknowledges the excellent work and dedication of the Killingsworth Community Advisory Committee and other community members who participated in the planning process.
Resolution No. 36161
Adopted by Council August 7, 2003.

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