Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
Policy category
Policy number
Administrative Rule Adopted by Bureau of Transportation Engineering & Development Pursuant to Rule-Making Authority
I. Definition
A street under the City Charter is defined as "…any street, avenue, boulevard, alley, lane, bridge, bicycle path, road, walk, public thoroughfare or public way, and any land over which a right of way has been obtained, or granted and accepted for any purpose of public travel."
For all public streets and private street tracts within the corporate limits of the City, the City Engineer is responsible for the designation of street prefixes, names, and numbers, and to keep records of all such designations.
II. Discussion
Streets within City limits must be designated under terms of "street," "avenue," "drive," "boulevard," etc. per the requirements of City Code Title and Chapter 17.92.030. Street prefixes must be designated per the requirements of City Code Title and Chapter 17.92.020. This designation is dependent on the street’s location within the City.
All public and private streets must be designated by one name for their entire length.
III. Administrative Rules for Naming Streets
1. The City Engineer is responsible for the naming of all public and private street tracts and rights-of-way within City limits.
2. Common greens as defined by City Code Title and Chapter 33.910, private alleys, and forms of private access other than street tracts are not named. Properties with frontage on either of these will be addressed off of adjacent public streets or private street tracts.
3. Street name, type, and type abbreviation are determined based on National Emergency Number Association standards.
IV. Reference
City Code Title and Chapter 17.92
Pursuant to Rulemaking Authority under City Code Title and Chapter 3.12
Filed for inclusion in PPD December 19, 2003.