Binding City Policies (BCP)
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Policy number
Binding City Policy
The Council finds:
1. City Council approved the PGE Park Comprehensive Transportation Management Plan (CTMP) and Good Neighbor Agreement with Portland Family Entertainment via Ordinance 174443. The CTMP required the development of a parking plan for Northwest Portland prior to opening day of PGE Park on April 30, 2001 to mitigate the impacts of PGE Park events on the neighborhood.
2. The Bureau of Transportation System Management and a Citizen Advisory Committee collaborated to develop a Phase I Parking Plan for Northwest Portland. City Council approved the Pilot Area Parking Permit Program for Northwest Portland on April 18, 2001, and re-authorized the program on March 20, 2002.
3. The Pilot Area Parking Permit Program has successfully met the primary objective of discouraging PGE Park patrons from parking in Northwest Portland.
4. The Bureau of Transportation System Management recommends that the Pilot Area Parking Permit Program for Northwest Portland be implemented again for the 2003 season. City Code provisions of Title 16, for establishing area permit parking programs, do not adequately address the unique circumstances in the program area needed to mitigate PGE Park event impacts.
5. The Bureaus of Planning and Transportation System Management are completing development of a more comprehensive parking plan to address parking concerns in the neighborhood and will ask City Council to approve this plan as a part of the Northwest District Plan.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:
a. The Bureau of Transportation System Management to re-establish the Pilot Area Parking Permit Program that takes exception to Title 16 of the City Code as specifically called out in Code 16.20.800, Sections 16.20.830, 16.20.840, 16.20.850, and 16.20.860.C.2.
b. The Bureau of Transportation System Management to implement the Pilot Area Parking Permit Program prior to the opening of the 2002 PGE Park season on March 28, 2003.
Ordinance No. 177315 passed and effective March 12, 2003.
Filed for inclusion in PPD June 1, 2004.
(Re-indexed by City Auditor October 2005 - formerly indexed as BCP-TRN-3.31)