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TRN-3.212 - Northwest Portland Pilot Area Parking Permit Program Implementation

Binding City Policies (BCP)
Policy number
Binding City Policy

The Council finds:
1. In November 1997, the Northwest district association, with support from the Nob Hill Business Association, requested that City Council intervenes in area transportation and parking issues and undertakes measures to address long standing, on street parking problems.
2. In January 1998, the City entered into an agreement with Douglas L. Capps Consulting to provide an assessment of the parking conditions in Northwest Portland and to develop a package of recommended solutions.
3. In August 1998, the consultant completed a report, Parking Northwest Portland: A Portland Study of Solutions and Strategies. The report recommended a series of solutions including shared parking arrangements, parking permit programs, and improvements in transit service and transit support programs.
4. In early 1999, the City staff and the consultant began to work with business and residents in the eastern most section of the neighborhood on a potential area parking permit program. A general public meeting was held on March 13, 1999, where most attendees expressed support for continuing work on the details of a permit parking program for this area.
5. A parking committee was formed in March 1999 and permit program details were developed by this committee, including finalizing the boundaries, which are Burnside to Nortrup, 16th and 18th.
6. Due to these unique circumstances, it is appropriate to modify the elements of the City Code dealing with area parking permit program as authorized by this ordinance.
7. The Bureau of Traffic Management has studied the area, conducted several public meetings, conducted a ballot mailing with 56% return of the 373 ballots mailed, with 87% (187) votes in favor of the permit program, and has determined the area meets the necessary program criteria to establish a Pilot Area Parking Permit Program.

Now Therefore, the council directs:
a) The Bureau of Traffic Management to implement an Area Parking Permit Program for the area bounded by north side of West Burnside to the south side of NW Northrup and the east side of NW 16th and the east side of NW 18th, subject to the provisions of tittle 16.20.800 of the Code of the city of Portland as modified with Ordinance number 173323, to be operational on August 2, 1999.
b) Section 16.20.840 (H) is modified as follows for purpose of this Pilot area Parking Program only to state: The signs will be installed 30 days from the date of mailing the applications to the permit area.

Ordinance No. 173531 passed by Council June 30, 1999.
Filed for inclusion in PPD December 5, 2003.
(Re-indexed by City Auditor October 2005 - formerly indexed as BCP-TRN-3.25)

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