BTS-3.02 - Web Publishing

Administrative Rules Adopted by City Council (ARC)
Policy category
Policy number
Administrative Rule Adopted by Council

The purpose of web publishing for the City and its Bureaus is to improve two-way communication with City officials and staff, provide efficient access to information about City services and programs, and offer a cost-effective alternative for conducting business with the City. City and Bureau web pages are established as a means for the City to provide information to the public.

City Web Sites
The Bureau of Technology Services manages the infrastructure and basic presentation and navigation format for the City Internet and Intranet. PortlandOnline functions as the City Internet and Intranet system. Bureaus shall use the standard formats and navigation structure for all bureau specific Intranet and Internet sites in accordance with PortlandOnline CMS “Best Practices and Standards”, to provide a common look and feel to the City’s Web presence, while supporting individual bureau identity. See….
City and Bureau Web sites will be designed and maintained to achieve these goals:
• The cumulative City web presence shall form a coherent, cohesive whole;
• Meet the information and business needs of the different user audiences and visitors to the City's Web presence;
• Benefit Portland residents, the City of Portland , and Internet users worldwide.
• Use graphics and page formatting to complement the text or aid in navigation;
• Meet federal Americans with Disabilities Act web access requirements
Only personnel authorized by the City may make changes to City sites.
City Bureaus are authorized to publish information directly related to their Bureaus. Bureau Managers shall approve all such Web content and ensure they comply with existing policies and practices with regard to official City or Bureau communication, including review processes for correspondence and published materials. Individual bureaus will be responsible for assigning appropriate security roles that control read, write, and modify permissions with respect to their content to enable personalized delivery of information to citizens, and bureau and City staff.
Bureaus shall limit the content of their Web pages to their area of responsibility. If Bureau responsibilities overlap or are shared, the Bureaus should confer to ensure to avoid duplication and to ensure the best integration, accuracy and timeliness of information. Bureaus shall ensure that material that is located on another City web page is not duplicated. Rather, they shall provide a link to the authoritative source.
All material that is available on the City’s Internet site shall also be accessible by City staff who only have access to the City’s Intranet; utilizing the PortlandOnline CMS for Intranet content is the most efficient way to ensure that City staff have access to the entire range of content.

Web Content and Linkage
City boards or commissions shall coordinate Web publishing with their sponsoring City agency.
The City may from time to time establish hyperlinks to non-City web sites (typically those established by community, public-interest or other similar entities) when the City determines that a linked site will enhance or supplement information the City is providing on its web pages about the City’s programs, policies, mission and objectives. Such links may be established by City staff only where the above criteria are met, and the linked sites are consistent with City code and policies.
All City web sites must include the most current Disclaimer and Privacy Statement from the City Attorney’s office.
All City web sites must include a contact link to a Webmaster for the site.

Originally published as PPD number ARC-BIT-1.09, authorized by Ordinance No. 177048, passed by Council and effective November 6, 2002.
Revised by Ordinance No. 179999 passed by Council March 15, 2006 and effective April 14, 2006.
Re-indexed by Auditor as PPD number ARC-BTS-3.02.

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