BTS-5.01 - Corporate Geographic Information System

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
Policy category
Policy number
Administrative Rule Adopted by Office of Management and Finance Pursuant to Rule-Making Authority

The Corporate Geographic Information System (CGIS) supports both City customers and clients. Customers include the City’s citizens, business partners and others who are governed and regulated by City Code, and who support City services through Portland ’s system of fees and taxes. Clients are composed of City bureaus and divisions who serve Portland ’s customers.
The primary focus of CGIS is to ensure the City leverages existing investments, eliminates redundancy, promotes standardization and consolidation and provides business efficiencies to the City using scalable enterprise GIS technologies.
The purpose of the CGIS policy is to define how the City will promote, use & support those technologies which improve customer service through improved response time, improved access to information and though the overall reduction of service costs.

Administrative Rule
Standard Software
The City has standardized on ESRI GIS software. Through the Corporate GIS program, an Enterprise License for software is maintained and is the sole conduit for Bureaus to obtain software and licenses for use of GIS software in the City.
Bureaus are required to maintain ESRI software version compatibility with the current BTS standard supported version. CGIS will assist in version upgrade planning, support and deployment. Bureaus are responsible for maintaining current version compatibility on all bureau databases and bureau developed applications.
Software Installation, Use and Reporting
In order to comply with the ESRI Site License agreement, all ESRI software installations will be coordinated and reported to CGIS. Installations and uninstalls will be reported no later then 5 business days after the work has been completed.
All installations of ESRI desktop GIS software shall be deployed with the CGIS developed corporate extensions and software such as the CGIS Tool bar. The CGIS Tool bar is the standard toolset that facilitates access to HUB datasets and layers.
Data Publishing to the Hub
In order to eliminate and/or reduce duplication of data and to provide secure, accurate and up to date data to users, all data that will be used by more then the originating Bureau will be posted and made available on the Enterprise GIS Hub. In general, exporting and distributing data directly to other Bureaus and end users is not permitted as this can create data integrity issues as well as unmanageable data dependencies.
Data Custodians are responsible for defining access requirements, update frequencies and metadata currency. Data Custodians work in conjunction with System Operators to ensure that "due care" is taken to properly protect sensitive data.
CGIS supports a central online Metadata system. All Data Custodians will ensure that the central metadata repository is maintained and current at all times. Data that does not contain the minimum set of metadata as defined in the CGIS Metadata Standard is not to be distributed either internally or externally.
GIS Web Mapping Services
All public and private callable "GIS Web Mapping Service" functions are to be provided by the Bureau of Technology Services (BTS) to ensure compliance with both architecture and security standards.
BTS is responsible for implementing and managing all necessary technology infrastructure related to delivering web based GIS services and applications. This includes but is not limited to hardware, software, networks, support and security.
Disclaimer Statement
All printed and online maps will incorporate a standard disclaimer as defined in the "Corporate Spatial Data Distribution Standards" maintained by CGIS. See….
Data Distribution
In order to effectively and securely manage data distribution both internally and externally to customers and citizens, all distributed data will comply with the "Data Distribution and Use Agreement Polices". See….
GIS Application Procurement, Development and Deployment
All development, deployment or purchase of GIS tools and applications will be coordinated with CGIS in accordance with BTS Rule 4.01: SOFTWARE APPLICATION LIFECYCLE.
Corporate Data
In order to efficiently maintain the Cities corporate data layers for all City users, CGIS is responsible for the maintenance and development of corporate datasets including: cadastre, centerline and the address model. Projects that rely on these or related datasets should be conducted with the involvement of CGIS to ensure compliance with City standards and policies such as the CGIS Addressing Guide.

Any exceptions to this policy must be must be approved by the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) or designee.

Authorized by Ordinance No. 179999 passed by Council March 15, 2006 and effective April 14, 2006.
Revised rule adopted by Chief Administrative Officer of Office of Management and Finance and filed for inclusion in PPD April 17, 2012.

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