BTS-1.06 - Disposal of Technology Equipment

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
Policy category
Policy number
Administrative Rule Adopted by Office of Management and Finance Pursuant to Rule-Making Authority

As technology hardware becomes obsolete or unserviceable, it shall be disposed of or repurposed in a socially responsible and environmentally sound manner, and where applicable, removed from the City’s fixed asset inventory.

Additionally, the City has the responsibility to ensure sensitive information is not wrongfully disclosed, nor unlicensed software distributed to unauthorized persons or organizations. Sensitive information includes data that is protected by laws requiring protection of sensitive data from disclosure to individuals or entities outside of the City.

This policy outlines the requirements for properly disposing and/or repurposing of technology equipment, protecting sensitive information from disclosure and legal obligations regarding software licensing agreements and copyright laws.

Administrative Rule  

Disposal of Equipment

Technology hardware that has exceeded its planned life cycle, or is no longer cost-effectively serviceable, shall be decommissioned and disposed of in one of four ways at the option of BTS and as it benefits the City:

1) Donation to Portland non-profit organizations

Decommissioned equipment, may be donated to an IRS 501(c)(3) technology hardware recycling organizations, located in the City of Portland, that comply with the City of Portland’s Minority/Women/Emerging Small Business, EEO, and other non-discrimination policies. Recipients of equipment donations must commit to recycling donated units to Portland residents, particularly Portland K-12 students, and non-profit organizations that comply with the City of Portland’s non-discrimination and EEO policies, free of charge.

All recipient organizations must commit, in writing, to environmentally sound disposal of the equipment through qualified regional recyclers and indemnification of the City from any further responsibility for such equipment.

2) Trade-In

When in the best interest to the City, in course of acquiring required hardware, surplus equipment may be used for trade-in purposes.

3) State surplus

Decommissioned equipment may be sent to the State of Oregon (as a participant to the City’s Intergovernmental agreement) for disposal as surplus.

4) Discard

Discarded items may be sent to a facility or organization appropriately qualified for proper disposal or recycling of IT hardware as identified by BTS in collaboration with the Office of Sustainable Development.


Bureau of Technology Services will:

•   Determine obsolescence and the decommission schedules of all BTS owned/managed hardware.

•   Determine the most appropriate disposal and/or repurposing methods for technology equipment.

•   Ensure removal of all City data and software from City hardware in such a manner that it cannot

     be recovered or reconstructed.

•   Ensure secure and environmentally sound disposal of all obsolete BTS owned/managed hardware.

•   Document the disposal of all BTS owned/managed Capital Assets.

•   Maintain a record of all equipment donations. Records will include indemnification documentation

     signed by the recipient.

Bureaus will:

•   Work with BTS to ensure secure and proper disposal of all bureau owned technology and

     Telecommunications hardware, rendering all City data unrecoverable and disposing of hardware

     in an environmentally sound manner.

•   Remove all bureau owned/managed systems from the fixed asset inventory.

•   Document the disposal of all Capital Assets.

Originally published as PPD number ARC-BIT-3.02, authorized by Ordinance No. 177048, passed by Council and effective November 6, 2002.
Revised by Ordinance No. 179999, passed by Council March 15, 2006 and effective April 14, 2006.
Re-indexed by Auditor as PPD number ARC-BTS-1.06.
Revised rule adopted by Chief Technology Officer of Bureau of Technology Services February 2, 2009 and filed for inclusion in PPD June 4, 2009.
Revised rule adopted by Chief Administrative Officer of Office of Management and Finance and filed for inclusion in PPD April 17, 2012.

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