BTS-1.03 - Ownership of Technology Assets

Administrative Rules Adopted by Bureaus Pursuant to Rule Making Authority (ARB)
Policy category
Policy number


Administrative Rule Adopted by Office of Management and Finance Pursuant to Rule-Making Authority

Consistent, efficient, accountable management and maintenance of the City's technology environment can best be achieved through consolidated ownership of all corporate technology assets by the Bureau of Technology Services.
A key to the City's ability to work and communicate effectively is dependent on our capacity to gather, analyze and distribute data and information. Maintaining hardware/software assets at a consistent level is essential in order to meet the public’s service expectations, conduct efficient business operations, and achieve organizational goals.
The Chief Technology Officer (CTO) is the City's authority for technology issues and related purchases, installation and support matters. As such, the CTO has the responsibility for ensuring interoperability and sustainability of the City's technology components with the City’s technology architecture, standards and policies.

Administrative Rule
The Bureau of Technology Services (BTS) owns and manages all technology assets with the exception of assets where it is determined by Council or the CAO to be in the City’s best financial interest for a customer bureau to own the asset. Technology assets are defined as technology applications, systems, and assigned equipment.
All new technology equipment must meet minimum technology standards as defined by BTS.

BTS will charge rates for technology assets and services. These rates will include a replacement component or a debt service component; unless it is determined by Council or the CAO if it is in the City’s best financial interest for a customer bureau to fund replacement resources on its own.
Ownership of technology assets will transition to BTS as assets are replaced. At the time of purchase, the new asset will be booked to the BTS Fund.*
Prior to their time of replacement, technology assets may still be owned by bureaus and their costs booked to the bureau's fund. However, BTS will manage these assets during the transition period.
Upgrades of technology assets, or the purchase of additional technology assets, will be funded via cash transfers from the receiver bureau.*
Technology equipment will only be purchased by BTS personnel and assigned to bureaus use.* ( * or as otherwise determined by Council or the CAO)

Originally published as PPD number ARC-BIT-1.06, authorized by Ordinance No. 177048, passed by Council and effective November 6, 2002.
Revised by Ordinance No. 179999 passed by Council March 15, 2006 and effective April 14, 2006.
Re-indexed by Auditor as PPD number ARC-BTS-1.03.
Revised rule adopted by Chief Administrative Officer of Office of Management and Finance and filed for inclusion in PPD April 17, 2012.

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